
I’m replying because it’s too late to edit, but I’m going to try to organize with a student group at my college to make a “letter drive” in time for Chelsea’s 29th birthday, which is December 17th. If you have the time to organize something similar in your community (or hell, just post about it on Facebook), I’m sure

Thirty-five fucking years. She really doesn’t deserve that :(

I’m chalking it up to oversight that you mention this but not #J20.

This was, uh, pretty much the worst week of my life. This has probably been the worst year of my life, too.

I was too young for OWS. I’m ready now.

I think I know who you’re talking about. She’s had other tumblr users who live in Sydney meet her IRL and back up her claims but it *could* be a big sockpuppet scam. The whole thing is really sad.

John died too, though — to me, that kinda makes it easier to swallow? IDK.

Sometimes I’ll be going about my daily business and suddenly remember Root got killed in Person of Interest and then I make myself sad :(

If anybody is getting married to Drake, it is Sufjan Stevens. End of story.

Dear Sir,

Eggs don’t “mean” anything, it’s just nonsensical.

I was reading something on Snopes and saw “Vine Shutting Down?” on the Just Added sidebar and thought, “Ok, obviously fake. Who would believe that?”

There are 3 major ones going around. There are also some mixes, some have the recording audio over the visual. some of them cut in where we have official recordings (the Grammys or the Tony’s sequence for example).

Have you considered viewing the bootleg recordings?

He spat “at” her, but missed. And this was after Azalea threatened to assault this girl, got the glass, tried to assault her but was blocked by Russell, got expelled from the room, and then tried to enter it again.

No one gives me the anxiety sweats like Rebecca Bunch.

She did NOT get it back. I was certain they were going to make Josh buy it to propose to Valencia with, but now Josh and Valencia broke up so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Joanna, where did you get those Chelsea boots you’re wearing on Wednesday (and I think Thursday too)? Looove them.

Now playing

(This is the first time I haven’t had to google “what music did DJ Roomba play?” to find this. I’m learning!)

OK, this is late, but my mother did co-sleeping with me. She did it with me from when I was born to the age of... 14, I think? It was AWFUL and I had no idea it wasn’t normal until I got made fun of at school. She kicked my father out of the bedroom so I could sleep there — I was later blamed (???) for ruining their