
The right to bear arms is a civil right under the second amendment to the US Constitution. Normally we don’t take those rights away based on arbitrary secret government lists with no due process.

Owning a gun is a civil right?

It’s really surprising just how onboard everybody on Gawker is with restricting civil rights without any form of due process.

The no fly list is a secret, no visibility into who’s on it or why. Seems like a real bad plan to restrict firearm purchases based on a secret government list.

It’s almost as if Saudi Arabia is the root cause of Islamic extremism.

There aren’t 9 accusations of rape. Most of them are more like ‘he hurt my feelings’.

If it takes a year to decide if you were raped or not, you're either really slow or it wasn't rape.

An entirely fair, and necessary, question.

Hit the nail on the head. Nowhere will you hear a feminist suggest that maybe filming simulated rape and abuse for profit is a bad idea. No no, can’t have that, that’s ‘kink-shaming’. These feminists could not slobber praise on Deen fast enough when he was fulfilling their rape fantasies but spouting feminist

Why don’t you kill yourself? I mean, you spend time on a blog making a 5 paragraph comment. I think your life must suck and not be worth living. My outrageous opinion is being heard!

Isn’t that what he was famous for? Feminist-endorsed porn? And of course I mean the kind of feminist who somehow thinks capitalism and feminism can co-exist in harmony, not the other kind. Please disregard the third sentence of this paragraph. I beg you, do not comment on it.