
Julia Louis Dreyfus is the daughter of a Jewish billionaire.

Butter face.

You mean their father’s surname? When a female keeps ‘her own’ name, she’s just honoring her father and his male ancestors over her chosen mate.

But one is fat.

Here’s my new internet guidelines for TEENZ: don’t be a whore, a retard, or an asshole.

Wow that was a lot of feminist bullshit.

And like most adoptees, it will be ignored.

Saudi Arabia is our biggest enemy. Don’t print their propaganda.

Clockmed is exactly the hero the left deserves.

It’s almost as if Saudi Arabia is the root cause of Islamic extremism.

I’m saying maybe if you’re encouraging or paying someone to ‘pretend rape’ you, don’t be surprised if they actually rape you.

Look, when Siegfried got eaten by that tiger, no one was surprised, were they?

I trust the media over the Obama government at this point.


There aren’t 9 accusations of rape. Most of them are more like ‘he hurt my feelings’.

LOL I wonder what the Swedish muslims think about feminisms.

Women love rape-fantasy stuff. It’s just their mental makeup. Add some plausible deniability (his ‘nice jewish boy’ persona) and you have female catnip.

Hit the nail on the head. Nowhere will you hear a feminist suggest that maybe filming simulated rape and abuse for profit is a bad idea. No no, can’t have that, that’s ‘kink-shaming’. These feminists could not slobber praise on Deen fast enough when he was fulfilling their rape fantasies but spouting feminist