
I have for months been trying to find another example of such blatant attempts at running a company into the ground and the best I can come up with is Ewing Conspiracy via the ‘85 NBA Draft. Obviously the Knicks got Pat, but what will Elon’s prize be? A tax write off for the gazillions in profit he makes when he

This is already going well:

He has had a few good pics of him smiling but man, the majority seem to always capture a gloomy expression.

Good luck to her, there is no money left.

Shame Donnie never managed anything as honest as running a brothel.

Calling it: She will divorce him if/when he loses this fraud case and loses control of his businesses and properties.

Honestly thought she’d be flat-backing for a Saudi Prince by now. Or an elderly Italian with an inheritance estate in Tuscany and a portrait of Mussolini over his bed.

A percentage of nothing is still nothing. Good luck with that, Melania.

Are... are you comparing the description of noting that a man is very tall (a generally positive attribute), to fat shaming someone? This is a deranged comment.

Seriously?  Is there any hint that the kid is athletic at all?  My bet he’s going to be a “Trust Fund Baby” that offers nothing to society.  All leach, all the time and obnoxious about it.

Bootstraps? Let him steal his own money just like dad and his forefathers. If the breathless bigots of the far right propaganda machine are to be believed, all Barron has to do is change his pronouns and run rampant in the WNBA for a fast paycheck. Idiots.

Well, some say power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

I find it totally reasonable that she would “just now” come out with these details. Her previous testimony was all about the day’s efforts to prevent the fair certification of the acknowledged winner of the 2020 presidential election. No one thought to ask her about the behavior of Giuliani since it wasn’t the point

Ted Goodman, a political advisor to Giuliani, gave this statement to Jezebel: “It’s fair to ask Cassidy Hutchinson why she is just now coming out with these allegations from two and a half years ago,”

“‘By the way,’ he says, fingering the fabric, ‘I’m loving this leather jacket on you.’

You forgot a disciplinary panel also recommended his disbarment in July.

Just because she decided to sit on it to sell more books (making her a terrible person) doesn’t mean it didn’t happen - because Rudy is also a terrible person.

I can’t wait for mandatory payment to use Twitter, so I can give this twit even more money...not.

He’s just a 50-something edgelord, and always has been.

What a fucking tool.