
It’s why I love the rightie greys on Jez trying to push the ‘Drag Queens are perverts yada yada yada’ bullshit. (see the Boebert comments for one that simply can’t shut up about them for a prime example - he is desperate to castigate everyone)

All. Conservative. Accusations. Are. Confessions.

like all these al right defenders. Who loved this movie. Who think they are better, people like azhealbaby face, mr h, shadevirsty etc.

Literally a groomer. Not that it will stop him from filching more money in grifts from gullible conservatives and possibly rich conservative donors for his shit.

If these allegations are what bring him down, great, but I wish he'd gotten pushed out because of all the lies he told and "sting operations" that really were dress up for rich guys. 

No I don’t really wonder at all:  My uncle was a cop in LA for 25 years and told me straight out that most of the guys he worked with were complete assholes, that’s why he retired as soon as he could. 

Scott has the same problem as DeSantis, Pence, and every other non-Trump candidate vying for the GOP nomination:

Picture of the girlfriend in question, but you wouldn’t know her anyway so...

MGM is the Jared Kushner of casinos. They both got bailed out by gulf oil money.

typical, pathetic, these are not only NIMBY, but now Not In My Playing Ground, stopping progress to the entire region population just to keep the aesthetics untouched for an event that happens once a year

He is so cringe regardless of relationship status. 

Don’t look too hard for moral consistency from that crowd. Hypocrisy is actually viewed as a virtue by many of them.

He and Miss Lindsay should date. They can commute together.

He’s Lindsay Graham’s partner.

Scott is an Evangelical Christian who preaches abstinence until marriage and made his virginity a big part of his public persona—until he admitted to a reporter at age 46 that he was no longer a virgin.

Aaaaaaand on cue, here comes the beard...

Trump has been married 3 times. Evangelicals are concerned Scott hasn’t been married enough?

“The fact that half of America’s adult population is single for the first time, to suggest that somehow being married or not married is going to be the determining factor of whether you’re a good president or not—it sounds like we’re living in 1963 and not 2023,” he said.

Phew, glad we figured out why he’s polling so low with Republicans. It’s definitely because he’s not married and couldn’t be anything else!

Maybe the senior and junior Senators from South Carolina could get married.