
DeSantis is burning down Florida to help propel him to the national stage, except that when he gets out-primaried he’s going to be stuck with the ashes.

That would require DeSantis, and the GQP, having to admit climate change is real and require them to do some actual leading and working to address the issue. So pretty much a snow cones chance in hell of that happening. 

The biggest true risk facing Florida right now is climate change and lack of affordable homeowner’s insurance. So what does he focus on? Banning books about subjects that make him personally uncomfortable; persecuting teachers, healthcare workers and all women of childbearing age; drag shows; and...Mickey Mouse. What

I’m assuming that Clint Eastwood talking to an empty chair was more insightful and less full of preening, lying, sociopaths.

Thanks for the summary. No way I’m watching a whole hour of that nonsense.

Tucker needs to lay off the botox. He’s starting to look like a tan marshmallow man!

Melanie doesn’t care as long as she gets paid.

Yes, she’ll likely not be rich after divorcing him. That she isn’t divorcing him means she values being rich more than not being married to a rapist.

Divorce him if that’s what you want. You’re still part of this flaming clown car dumpster fire until you actually make some sacrifices to separate yourself from that rapist. 

Under his logic, any conservative judge can now dictate what drugs we can and can’t have in our medicine cabinets.

This guy better be careful. Next thing you know he’ll be on a private yacht sporting a polo shirt from his illegal, but unpunished, vacation.

Fascism involves ignoring the “intellectuals” that are not under their employ, and pushing narratives to the uninformed, no matter how untrue. The fact there is so much ignorance on how a woman’s body works and the fact that it has supporters from the lower classes who don’t know how a woman’s body works let alone how

I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to find these pseudo scientific contortions laughable, but I’m glad you can.

This made me cackle! Thanks for the giggle. 

Great statement. Powerfully succinct. 10/10.

Do they make fingerprint cards that small? Has Bragg confirmed whether or not Trump will be tried as an adult?

Thought Peter Thiel died for a second. Damn. 

It’s as if conservatives don’t have a fixed point other than to cause suffering to those who don’t agree with them.

I said it earlier, but I’m in the forever greys, so I’ll ask again: