
Well, now that the evidence has laid bare that Tucker Carlsen is willing to lie on-air about things that he knows to be false, surely the rational viewers of his news program will stop listening to him!

Again with this First Amendment shit. Yes, you have freedom of speech but not freedom from consequences of that speech.

Talk about shameless opportunism; Talk about a fake-race opportunist: don’t forget in 2001 Haley listed her race as “white” on her voter registration card. We’ve forgotten that, haven’t we? Nikki Haley is a legit ‘wannabe’ seeking white acceptance by any means necessary and will engage in the lowest form of

White Adjacents will.... SURPRISE..”white adjacent!”

I hate her like the plague, and that dress is still one of the ugliest things ever to darken the Senate doorway, but I’m sure he’s the one lying about this particular matter. That dude will do or say anything to pretend, even to himself, that other people like him and he’s totally the most popular guy in Congress.

Rep. Gym Jordan (R OH-4) has announced his will be one of the Republican-controlled House committees investigating this fully. When asked if they would start impeachment proceedings against Kavanaugh should their investigation substantiate any of the allegations, Jordan clarified they would be investigating the

Pelosi had 15 Democratic votes against her for her final tenure as Speaker, which if Democratic control had been as narrow as Republican control is now, would have put Dems in a similar position.

Gym Jordan doesn’t want the speakership because he wouldn’t survive the bright lights suddenly shining on how he got the name Gym Jordan in the first place.

Are Democrats being petty as fuck? YES...and 👏🏽I👏🏽am👏🏽here👏🏽for👏🏽all👏🏽of👏🏽it!!!!!

Jordan will swear he doesn’t want it up until the moment he decides to do it.

Extra points for the big bucket! That rules.

They did do opposition research on him and knew that at least some of his biography didn’t add up but they couldn’t get anyone report on it. “It’s two openly gay men running against each other in Long Island, how about that?” was the only thing anybody was writing about the race.

Because it’s a House race. There’s not as much money available nor individual power at stake.

Surely there’s no way he can survive this, right?


Any right leaning independents out there want to provide a rational reason why you think voting for a Republican is ever a good idea in light of the, once again, spectacle of the clown car on fire careening out of control down the freeway show ramping up?

And there’s potential to have them both go down in a cross-fire draw.

Does this snake eating its own tail battle end up like Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton??? Seeing as how these two morons love guns so much, let’s put them 20 paces apart in the middle of the street and see how things shake out. At least we’d be down one of ‘em.

They should settle their argument in the way their beloved Founding Fathers would have back in their day: Firearms at ten paces.

It’s almost as if I’ve offended SF’s unhinged leftists