
Yeah, sure... here he is trying.

“To be clear, I support the left half of the Republican Party and the right half of the Democratic Party!”

the billionaire is still trying to preserve his self-proclaimed reputation as a moderate.

Isn’t it sad when Nazis are ashamed to be Nazis?

I almost feel sorry fore the degens who have such a gaping hole inside of them that they need to buy this shit.

For a lot people who humble themselves before the Lord, these people aren’t humble enough to admit that they aren’t experts on child development.

They only pulled The Bible for “review” with the others - they don’t want to appear outright discriminatory in their actions ya know.
Of course they’ll find it’s fine in the end. The story now is what other books will be allowed after this “review” process.

What happened to freedom in TX? They’re starting to look more like authoritarian China or Russia than TX at this point.

The Bible is a filthy, violent book*.

If she wins the seat, it might get weird in Congress for professional Sarah Palin cosplayer Lauren Boebert. Picture those old SNL sketches where someone is doing an impression then the actual person comes on set. 

People love stupid. Unfailingly.

“Unfortunately, this place is surrounded with constant grandstanding,” Justice said at a Monday news conference. “I think that’s what the Democrats are doing.”

“The will of the people is secondary to what I think my imaginary sky fairy is saying to me.”

Damn, was the snitch that broke?

Even immediate family could be a risk, that’s what is so terrifying about this. I’d say “tell only one person, someone who is in a position to help you” and then hope for the best. If you get turned in at least you know who did it?

This asshole snitch has a public Facebook profile, eh?

If you live in an anti-abortion state, DO NOT TRUST ANYONE outside of your immediate family if you’re planning on getting an abortion, especially Facebook. Get a true encrypted app like Signal to communicate.  Facebook can see absolutely every single message made on their service, and have no problems turning that

All of this... on top of the trauma of realizing that you’re in a Chuck-E-Cheese!

Attending Bama as a (happily married) grad student in my mid-40s and seeing some of this shit in person was equal parts depressing, confusing, and frightening

So it's just Future Real Housewives, but whiter.