
...and humans continue to be selfish turds.

WTF World are we living in? Disgusting.

Thank you for not posting another large photo of Gaetz, since I reflexively close the browser whenever his visage enters my field of view. His “thumb” insult is particularly ridiculous because his appearance would be drastically improved by replacing his face with a literal thumb.

I’m going to start the ha-ha’ing right now. Recuse themselves from cases in which their “impartiality might reasonably be questioned”??????    When Thomas and Barrett don’t recuse themselves, then nobody need to recuse themselves.

Don’t trust Dr. Oz.

What the fuck is he on about? People talk about how much having a child they want costs! People have been choosing not to have kids because they’re expansive. It has been an issue forever.

I love how you can frequently identify racists by how much older they look than their ages would suggest. The man in that tweet looks at LEAST early/mid-30s, not 26.

Oh yes, they are going after you because of your “youth” rather than every other damn insane thing out of your mouth...

This is incredible stuff - “I’m not racist at all!” [proceeds to use the most disgusting terms possible to describe several women].

If you can’t even trust the police with your life, who can you trust? Cops will always protect their own. They will always gaslight communities when they fuck up, causing the deaths or injuries to innocent people. Police Unions will continue to use incendiary language to counter the outrage of the citizenry.

Exhibit A of the fact that is no liberal media bias or liberal bias of any kind in this country. Can you imagine any prominent liberal figure taking this stance? They know they will get buried even by their base, so every support of any kind of protest is always preceded by non-violence.

why wait? How come these willing adopters have not already reached out to adoption agencies? There are thousands of children currently needing to be adopted, why not start there?

No he stands alone. None of the above can write laws to harm us. When his sorry black ass dies no one will care. I mean no one that counts. I and others will rejoice.

Is he the worst black man in America?

COVID isn’t selective enough in who it infects and kills.  Just sayin’.  


Is he the worst black man in America? Most powerful example of skinfolk aint kinfolk but anyone else yall think takes the crown from him?

Now Manchin and Collins are whining that they felt that the last three Justices misled them during their confirmation hearings when it came to considering Roe settled law.

Motherfucker would vote to segregate his own drinking fountain if it pleased his GOP masters.

Not wanting to call people by their preferred pronouns really confuses me. I mean, people are referred to by their preferred name all the time (someone wants to be called Christopher instead of Chris, so that’s what you call them), but right-wingers have a problem with preferred pronouns. Weird stuff.