
“Get out of this neighborhood! You don’t belong here!”

If a scumbag got punched in the face and decided he should stop being a scumbag, I'd say that's a win.

Just like he crashed the Capitol on Jan 6.

I believe he was also at the insurrection.

What’s wrong with her upper lip?  Is that the effect of fillers?  Serious question.

Cultists gonna cult

So, being a member of a sexual predator-enabling cult is now NOT a disqualifying thing for a judge, let alone one on the Supreme Court.

Shit human being turns out to be even shittier than previously known. No one is surprised in the least.

Just Muricans muricaing

This whole scenario is surreal to me. Seriously.

There needs to be a constant, Planned Parenthood anti-abortion-style, harrassing protest outside of the convention center every minute of every day of this convention.  Pictures of the dead.  Signs saying ‘Murderer’, et al.  Make them uncomfortable every second of every fucking day.  

we HAVE profiled killers like this ad nauseum. There are a ton of reasons why people do this shit. This pat answer disregards that many times, mass murderers give NO clues that they’re about to do it; it’s like suicide, if you really want to do it, you don’t leave notes or “cries for help”, you just fucking do it and

Is it the same one she uses with her Dad when he’s trying to fuck her? Asking for a curious nation.

What did antifa and blm do in Washington or anywhere other than protest? 

Play all the games you like, you obviously have the time, and I am sure on your death bed you will be hyped that this is what you spent it doing

It’s systemic. Get your slogan terminology correct.

Wat did blm and antifa do in Washington? Protest systematic racism?

So how many Jews did he target and shoot?

Ok. Odd tangent though.

Dude you’re off the rails. I highly doubt anyone here supported torture or CIA regime change.