
It’s like two negatives!  We all know he’s doing this white supremacy platform to rile up his base to run for President.  Fuck this facist racist fuck

Well if you learn to have empathy for other people, then you may not be as open to racism and homophobia and other forms of hate. We can’t have that.

What? None of that had ANYTHING to do with what they wrote, and then you insult them by calling them a coward? What the fuck?

Being an anti anti racist makes someone a racist.

Well, in Republican-held states, a white teacher might discuss it once.  And then be fired by the Faux News-fed school board and not get to discuss it in a classroom again as long as he or she resides in that state.

Would’ve emphasized “... correct...” in the previous sentence. “Blowing a dogwhistle” for his ‘base’, “jamming both feet into his mouth up to the knee” for the non-racists...?

No, just own it. You did say that to minimize the issue, you heartless troll.

But if you take out ALL the women, because they aren’t real people anyway, it’s 0%, which is good. When you pick your facts, why stop at racism?

Maddie...I know you’re feeling betrayed and rightly so. People you thought were your friends stabbed you in the back. It hurts, brother. You know what eases that hurt? Revenge. You’ve got names and you’ve got nothing to lose. You’re being shown the door by your own team...show them you can give as good as you get. I’m

Well coke and sex orgies involving *them*

The GOP: We endorse spreading unfounded rumors about Jewish space lasers setting homes ablaze. But rumors about coke and sex orgies is where we draw the line.

Finally, some uplifting news. 

Who else was in the discord channel? Seems like those people maybe need a visit.

His manifesto sounds a lot like many right wing talking heads like Tucker Carlson.

please stop using the name’s of the terrorists - their names and memory should be removed from history.

Yup. This guy is going The Full Rittenhouse. Expect a “self-defense because these N#gros are scary!” defense. Right-wing radio and politicians are already pushing and shoving to be the first in line to offer him an internship, have his baby, walk his dog...

“I plan on shooting people.”

Why did you think that?

I wonder if some of their base will turn when they start going after IVF. All those unsuccessful embryos and the ones that don't get implanted are "murdered".

It’s not just about controlling(poor)women; it’s also about more bodies for the exploitative, capitalism machine to grind and spit lives out for their own gain. The GQP embraces crony capitalism/oligarchy. Their spouted values of life is a facade, hence why they want the pregnancy to come to term and are ‘suggesting’