
And Donnie T is the president of a “social media” company.

Next time, please include a video of Mr Herschel speaking. Only a video can convey how utterly stupid this man is. Lack of coherent thoughts, lack of words, lack of poise. That he would be considered to coach a college football team, much less be in the running for an appointment to the US Senate, is a testament to

After he (and Russell Brand) said the “illiberal left” need to be more kind and accepting to the stop the steal, QAnon folks after the 2020 election and allow them to take time to “find the truth” about the election, I’m glad Mr. McConaughhey found the conscience to stand up against his fellow right-wingers to say

You should realize that most of the readers here were STRONGLY against the Iraq war and torture of POWs and still are against maintaining Guantanamo Bay. We protested in the streets back in 2003 to keep the US from invading Iraq.

Don’t forget the double-double negative Cuban Americans who are anti-Latino Latino, anti-immigrant immigrants. They are the core base for Deathsantis who will ride his fascist coattails so we can make America old Havana again.

Ron Death-sentence would surely not permit Florida schools to have discussions with students on the mass murder of 10 elderly Black residents of Buffalo, NY last week by a raging white supremacist - who shares many of the same views as Death-sentence. It’s all just cRiTiCAL rACe tHeOry and the woke libs trying to

Let me clutch my pearls real quick that Susan Collins has been exposed as a lyin ass heffa.

Ok. Let’s start with Georgia’s own US Senate candidate Herschel Walker’s wife who voted in Georgia in the 2020 election while residing full-time in Texas. They want to pretend like 99% of the so-called voter fraud they’ve been railing against isn’t from these right-wing jesters.

If this obese orca doesn’t stop f**king around with Black folks

Fine. But can we at least admit that Putin is a fugly slut and every time I see his face it makes me want to wretch. 🤮

Oh no. I guess he never really had a shot. 


I would like to personally submit my nomination of Anita Hill to SCOTUS. Let’s have some real, frank discussions about injustices from the past in the highest court of the land.

Lol. And being a white, Christian, straight male was not a prerequisite for being nominated to the judiciary by Moscow Mitch for the last 6+ years? 

From your mouth to God’s ears

Like the book Beloved by Toni Morrison and other black authors that they also are including in the ban?

Let’s not forget that Dear Leader Youngkin also banned CriTiCal RaCe TheoRY!!!1! on his first day in office. aka education on civil rights and slavery can not be taught in Virginia because it makes some white kids feel guilty and saddd :( also, he signed this into law like a day before MLK Day.

Great. While we’re at it, let’s create the Prosecute Former Senators for Insider Trading police unit too.  

I know that’s right! 2022 getting off to a great start.