
Yes, we’ve known since day 1 that their little Buckhead secession campaign (aka Buckxit) was just a cover for the white supremacist, stop the steal Republicans spearheading it. The little green Buckhead City signs sitting on manicured lawns around Buckhead are just the new, cutesy version of the confederate flag.

2022 looking better already 😌

I’m surprised that Jezebel failed to mention that Dershowitz was hand-chosen by the last “U.S. President” (yes, the orange one) to represent him in his first impeachment trial. Birds of a feather and all that…

Friendly reminder that Jeffrey Epstein indicated multiple times that he introduced Melania to Donnie. That was, of course, before Mr. Epstein’s “untimely” death in prison…

Ice Qube(-anon) can miss me with the BS. He has revealed himself to be a self-serving, shuckin-and-jivin Uncle Tom many times over, not least of which was his alliance with Cheetolini last year to deliver the Platinum Plan for ‘da Blacks™ to help the African-American community by *checks notes* reducing corporate taxes

Amen to that!

As someone who would eagerly jump at the opportunity to buy an electric vehicle right now, I would rather be caught dead than to spend my money on a Tesla. My hard-earned dollars will not be going toward benefiting this socially-inept Twitter troll who happened his way into becoming the richest person in the world by s

Surely there could have been a worthier cause to contribute millions of dollars towards with the revenue from this event - from the several hundred- to thousand-dollar live concert tickets, IMAX theater box office sales, Amazon Prime Video streaming fees, etc - than benefiting the release of a criminal gang lord who

Love to see it. Ms. Felicia Moore was riding the “bipartisan” line a little too closely for my taste, including flirting with the Buckhead secession org (aka “Buckxit”) which is just the rich, white folks of north Atlanta trying to remove themselves from the rest of the city to “improve neighborhood safety”. FOH. If

yep just flashing the “okay” sign (upside down and backwards) with their rich pal who threatened to shoot peaceful protestors walking past his house in St. Louis with his little pistol

Um… then I guess the supposed WP finger salute 4chan “hoax” has actually been adopted by idiot MAGA cult followers just like the QAnon 8chan “hoax” and the JFK Jr will be resurrected from the dead to be Tramp’s new VP “hoax” that has hundreds of people gathering in Dallas every day awaiting JFK’s arrival from the

Yes, we already know that your ilk has drafted two impeachment charges against her for 1) being a woman and 2) being a black woman

Exactly why the other dudes should have shot him first when he brandished his gun. Because SeLF DefEnsE!!1!

Maybe because he’s been photographed holding up the White Pride hand signal championed by the Charlottesville/ Proud Boys/ MAGA crowds, while drinking underage at a bar with his mother (Christian family values!). Fuck off.

YES. Stephanie Mills for 2nd black woman VP and 1st chief-sistafriend of the US. CSFUS? Anyway, she was the ultimate right shoulder for her dear friend Chaka to lean on and did it with the utmost grace and professionalism. I stan.

Madame President has a nice ring to it 

At ALL. And I feel bad cuz brandy-talk about our love and keyshia cole-I changed my mind and even janet-my baby used to be my jams. But I’m not spinning any records that will put a dime in koonye’s pockets.

One of the defense attorneys in the Ahmaud Arbery case literally asked why so many “black pastors” were allowed to attend the PUBLIC trial. Yes, he literally asked if the black pastors in attendance in the courtroom would be REMOVED by the judge so as not to influence the jury.

If Chappelle really was a thought leader on race and the Black experience, he wouldn’t be cozying up with Joe Rogan and Elon Musk. They are basically the elitist, anti-equality triumvirate of rich douchebags. He’s just a rich Black dude that made a living off of copying the In Living Color urban sketch comedy model,

Today’s youth: this is what effective and actionable protest looks like. Good trouble indeed.