
As you would expect, this is in Margie Q Greene’s district. A far cry from Atlanta, Savannah, Augusta, Macon, Athens, etc (ie where there is actual population density in Georgia).

McCain was born on a US Army base in the Panama Canal Zone so it’s very different from being born in a completely different sovereign nation (outside of a US military installation) even if to an American citizen. 

Clearly, he did not put up enough cash money for Cheetolini to give more than two shits about this clemency case. Also, he didn’t have any clout to shuck & jive to the White House and promote Trumpkin’s Platinum Plan to “the blacks” like Lil Wayne and Ice Cube.

Yes, Kyrsten. What will the poor mega-behemoth global corporations with skyrocketing stock prices and record profits do if they have to pay a few more cents per dollar in taxes? They’ve already committed the ultimate sacrifice and held employee wages STEADY for the last decade+. What MORE do we need from them?

I, unfortunately, have to agree. It’s crazy to me that in Atlanta of all places I see nothing but a sea of white faces at a John Lewis voting rights rally. The solidarity is surely appreciated but we also need our people to demonstrate more motivation and activism ALL THE TIME, not only when it’s convenient or getting

Yep. Buttery males!!!” F everyone in this country for letting 2016 happen.

After loudly proclaiming he wanted to “take the red pill” with Ivanka and Jared and gently swinging from 45’s nuts the last several years, Elon claims he wants to “stay out of politics”. L O fukkin L

The only problem with that argument is a fetus doesn’t exist at 6 weeks. It would still be an embryo. Do embryos deserve a right to life? If so, is IVF “murder” because there are many unused and discarded embryos in the IVF process? We can keep going backwards until the zygote is the “conception of life” or a sperm

In all honesty, actions like this - as heinous and reversionary as they may be - are the only way our collectively complacent and politically ignorant population will start to get involved and realize the tenuous nature of our democracy. There is no better way for us to motivate more people to vote and hold their

Below is a link to the website setup by Texas Republicans to report anyone who aids and abets in an abortion procedure after six weeks gestation. Whatever you do, PLEASE do NOT submit fraudulent and excessive reports as that might effectively shut this site down and overwhelm their Handmaids Tale uterus police. I

Baby Girl still setting the standard 20 years onward from her heavenly transition. We love to see it!

She tried getting on that Kanye shitshow train and she ended up looking like a fool. Smh

He’s a clown just like Vernon Jones running in the Republican’t primary for GA Governor against Kemp. Trying to siphon the black vote in GA to vote for “the black guy” even though their ulterior motive is to disenfranchise more black voters, eliminate state funding towards social programs and education, institute a

In other Matt PizzaGaetz news, check out what his soon-to-be sister in law posted about him on tiktok.

Margie Q Greene and Matt PizzaGaetz getting publicly ridiculed and called out for the frauds that they truly are? AND a free gogo band show? Sign me up!

You mean a brain surgeon should not be appointed to lead the nation’s housing & urban development agency just because he’s a black man that spouts out racist, self-hating Republican talking points on Faux News? *shocked pikachu face*

We love to see it! Go on witcha bad self Prof. Hannah-Jones

Seeing how her mother is working in the Biden administration, I think that’s doubtful. She probably is just tired of Whoopi publicly and gleefully ripping her a new one on a daily basis in front of a national TV audience. 

She should’ve said F-UNC y’all and gone down the street to Duke University.

You’re right. I should’ve said they are demonstrating fascism, which is much more accurate. Was thinking Communist NK/China/Russia-esque controlled media when I wrote the comment.