
Putting aside the salient threads of communist controlled ideology, McCarthyism and government overreach in this bill

Juan Castro is just a Karen in disguise. Girl needs to calm down.

Let the record show that this is the same Senator who single-handedly obstructed the stimulus checks from going out earlier this year for several weeks. Thankfully, he didn’t block the Biden Covid relief bill for a whole year too. But, Wisconsin, please get your sh*t together in 2022 and send this buffoon into


And, yet, every policy the Biden administration has prioritized (Covid relief, infrastructure investment, raising minimum wage, voting rights reform, policing reform, immigration reform) polls considerably higher in every one of those states than the Republicans’ agenda of 1) lowering taxes for the rich and

I’m glad that POTUS called out Sinema and Manchin on their cowardice.

You mean the “party of fiscal responsibility” didn’t fully think through staging a total waste-of-tax-dollars publicity stunt recall election, where among their best options for an alternative gubernatorial candidate for the largest state in the nation are a CA bear (yes, the state mascot) abuser and a former track &

I’m sure the black & brown members of the UNC basketball and football teams will take a stand and boycott their school’s games to show solidarit....

Nothing about this restaurant is fancy. It happens to be in a “nice-ish” outdoor shopping mall in the Buckhead district of Atlanta. They have an outdoor seating area literally in the driveway of the mall valet, and which overlooks a gelato shop and the back of a Shake Shack. The 90 degree heat in Atlanta

Look everyone! The stay-at-home troll and trumpkin the clown ballwasher is back at it! I was waiting for you to make your reappearance. Did you just get back from prison for storming the Capitol or was it for diddling your meth head cousin?

I know we are all indignant that Chik-Fil-A is only allowing customers ONE damned sauce per order (oh the humanity #firstworldproblems) but let’s not forget they are a homophobic, Christian fundamentalist, anti-human rights, anti-science organization. I always ponder this when so many minorities and liberal folks

And yet somehow you, Rudy, the Kraken, Donnie Boy, #CreepyTucker and all the Q-dorks can’t seem to find a single actual example of voter fraud by Democrats other than the preachings from your Q-god on YouTube (live & direct from his mom’s basement).

Republicans’ Kancel Kulture Kontinues

AG Garland is coming for y’all throats. McConnell must be shaking in his turtle shell.

Please call their bluff.

So very true. Ice Cube was also in the IG comments last night talking about “Fight the Power”... sir, what power were you fighting by cozying up with the Proud Boy-in-chief last year to come up with your little platinum plan for “the blacks”, as cheetolini so affectionately called the African-American community?

So #pizzagaetz was real after all...

Love you Stacey, but we’re boycotting until this bill is annulled. It is evident that the (majority-elderly white male) GA legislature will not listen to the constituents of this state but they will quickly acquiesce to the lobbyists and executives of the Fortune 1000 companies in this state. Boycott will include:

Oh no. Lindsey wants to spray his lil gun all over you *pew pew pew* 

Shout out to the GEORGIA community organizers, namely Stacey Abrams, and all of the POC voters for turning out and voting in the middle of winter, right after Christmas and New Years, waiting hours in line sometimes in rain and sleet, facing blatant voter suppression efforts from our own (Republican) Governor, state le