
Missed the rest of the hashtag

100%. They just wrote the blueprint for any future president to actively provoke reckless and violent chaos in their last few weeks in office bc there can’t be any accountability after they are no longer president. So says Moscow Mitch the bitch & his band of anti-democratic thugs. 

So true. And that’s not a bad thing. Predisposition to mindless fealty to a grifting, autocratic, and senile leader is not a redeeming quality any person or political party should be proud of.

I’m glad the Senate put the facts (and video evidence) out there but wrapped it up quickly, given that the whole impeachment process is sham political theater anyway. I’m shocked that even 7 Repubs voted to convict. The Senate needs to refocus on COVID relief, voting rights, criminal justice, cannabis legalization,

I’m not one to make fun of someone’s appearance. But I will say this: You wear your evil all over your face.

His “legal team” quit because he asked them to make their key defense argument that there was rampant voter fraud in the election and he was the rightful winner. So basically he wants to incite another insurrection in the impeachment trial where he was convicted of inciting an insurrection. It’s literally a race to

100%. I’m over the feigned shock every 5 minutes another one of his bonafide (and not even subtle) efforts to destroy our democracy is unearthed. We knew this dude was a racist, incompetent, narcissistic dumpster fire from day 1. (Or since the 80s for everyone from the tri-state area)

Looking fly af too. A true American hero.

Step 1: Be White.

I am completely surprised that this racist, grifting, unelected Senator was a fangirl of the “corporations are people” presidential candidate who made his millions by creating mass joblessness through private equity.

They may not “talk” about it openly, but several of the churches up and down Peachtree in Buckhead, Atlanta sure had Tr*mp campaign signs on their lawns ahead of Election Day. Which is probably worse since they are spreading the message of hate and bigotry not only to their ignorant parishioners, but to the

What is it with the name J. Epstein?

Stealing property from an African Methodist Episcopal church and burning it in the street would qualify as theft (“looting”)

Very telling that destruction of property is much more damning to you than threatening, stabbing and inciting violence toward literal human beings. I initially was very much against the rioting after George Floyd’s death, but ignorant statements like this make me completely indifferent to it. Riot on! Black Lives

Very telling that destruction of property is much more damning to you than threatening, stabbing and inciting violence toward literal human beings. I initially was very much against the rioting after George Floyd’s death, but ignorant statements like this make me completely indifferent to it. Riot on! Black Lives

Both of my grandfathers served for the US Army in segregated battalions. They put their lives on the line for this country, but weren’t deemed worthy enough to share barracks and bunkers with their white counterparts. I’m happy that one of them is still alive to see this historic day.

MAGA = Vanilla ISIS

Advocate for progressive policy 100% but explain it succinctly and cogently so 1) people with the power to make a change, ie representatives, and 2) the citizens who will ultimately drive the change to a reality through their vote or even protesting understand what the F the policy is

Thank you for proving that the Senate runoff win in Georgia will be an uphill battle for those of us on the ground here. I really don’t think any progressives, including AOC, understand how easily verbiage can be weaponized by the right no matter how well-intentioned. Every single ad in Georgia for the next month and

Oh, if you live in Georgia, you can knock on doors (masked & socially distant) for the candidates also: