
Even if you don’t live in GA, you can help in the GA senate runoff race. You can volunteer to write letters/postcards to GA runoff voters...

So how many Mooches did he last? 

Preach! Waffle House and Chik Fil A (let’s throw in Home Depot while we’re at it) are all GA based, racist AF organizations whose leaders want nothing more than to return GA to its antebellum past. I will drive 20 miles out of the way and pay twice as much if it means I don’t have to step foot in one of these stores.

This blatant ignorance represents the choice America has before us. Not just GA, but everyone in the country can get involved. Make sure everyone you know in GA is registered to vote (Dec 7 is the deadline, even if they will turn 18 before Election Day) and early voting starts Dec 14. JAN 5 IS ELECTION DAY

Please consider volunteering to write letters/postcards to GA runoff voters!

It took about 0.3 minutes after the election was called for the progressives to start chastising the “establishment Dems” for not championing UBI and Medicare for all and free college tuition and eliminating student loans, etc etc (aka Bernie’s Ten Commandments) bc the race should’ve been a landslide!!!11!

Jan 21, 2021 Bill Barr needs to be put on trial for the “suiciding” of Jeffrey Epstein under his watch

Doesn’t matter if the politicians aren’t using these slogans, or even if they publicly denounce them. Faux News can just run video of the random protestors in Portland or LA or Philly or Atlanta yelling “abolish the police” and standing on top of a burning police car on repeat 24/7, and suddenly Joe Biden, Kamala

THIS! As a Dem canvasser this election in GA, I was astonished at how many homes I was bypassing bc they were non-registered voters in predominantly Black and Latino neighborhoods. There needs to be a massive voter reg effort in GA in the next month. Giving Stacey her well-due props, but we all have lots more work to

There’s an overqualified Black man running for US senate in GA that could likely win the most votes in the general election, then head to a runoff with the current, vapid blonde sitting Senator. A Morehouse man. Born and raised in the housing projects of Savannah. Pastor of THE Ebenezer Baptist Church. I have not seen

Note to all future (and current) presidential candidates and their campaigns: if you are truly trying to target the Black community, don’t call your community advancement program the “platinum plan.” It is conspicuously offensive, racist and will only ingratiate you with old-school, washed-up hip hop artists. (Maybe

Let’s keep up the fight these last few days. Throw a couple dollars to Loeffler’s opponent: Rev Raphael Warnock (warnock for georgia .com) With >20 candidates in the special election for Loeffler’s seat, this will likely go to a runoff, so people need to show up for the runoff election in a month or so too.

“worthless wastelands” that cover the tax underfunding of basically all of the southern Red states

Ice Cube really put his whole-ass reputation on the line to become the token negro in this whole Repub publicity scheme. Somehow, when he heard they were calling the scam the Platinum Plan it didn’t ring alarms in his head that this was a bad idea. Was Cutlass Supreme Plan already taken?

Um, don’t forget ya boy Koon-Ye is bffs with bb kush too

All positive news but don’t listen to polls. Vote early if you haven’t voted yet. Call a friend or text a family member or knock on your neighbors door and ask if they’ve voted. Volunteer for a campaign. Donate. Don’t let up now. 

I’ll sit here and wait for QAnon to start investigating this pedophiliac creep. Oh wait, their little make-believe world only involves “libruls” and random pizza parlor basements.

As a wise poet once said: “I really don’t care, do u?”

Just picked up some fish tacos that are quite tasty

Donate a few dollars to his opponent for the US senate seat from GA: Jon Ossof https://electjon.com/