
Note: early voting is open in most states right now. It will be much easier, quicker, safer, etc to vote EARLY and avoid the last minute rush and shenanigans on Election Day. Many are even open on weekends. How about planning childcare for your EARLY VOTING DAY?  

Jaime Harrison .com

I’m taking orders now. Anyone else want a red hat emblazoned: Make Women Handmaids (and Racist AF) Again?

Let me guess... Kanye is going to play him in the Lifetime movie? I can’t think of a better fit, both ideologically and even visually.

Can we point out the irony that his wife, who works for Mike Penc-ildick, tested positive for Covid back in May and somehow this troglodyte did not catch the virus then, but as soon as daddy drumph gets diagnosed... Does this mean even his wifey is smart enough to socially distance from this bi-pedaled shitstain at

VOTE! And not just for president. Vote up and down the ballot. The Senate matters. The US House matters. Your local state rep, attorney general, sheriff, mayor all matter too. Don’t get caught up with just getting the Orange Nazi out of the White House. We need to flip the whole ass government on its head.

I’m making scrambled eggs and chorizo chicken sausage for breakfast, even though it is currently 2 pm. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Literally inventing conspiracy theories in his head on the fly as he’s being interviewed. That is a feat.

Kellyanne tested alternative-negative

Was Herman Cain in attendance at the platinum coons shuck & jive gala? Oh, my bad. They already sacrificed his ass and forgot about him once he was in the ground (although his twitter account is curiously still alive and well 2+ months after his death).

I invite you to donate to Planned Parenthood - anything, large or small - in Fake Lizardo’s honor. I chip in a few dollars every time the troll bitch spews one of his/her/its racist & nonsensical rants in the comments.

All I’ll say is that the protests after Floyd’s murder by police had an impact. People need to be in the streets making their voices heard about this. The pussy-grabber president needs to head back to his bunker, along with Miss Lindsay, Moscow Mitch and all the other hypocrite Senate Repubs. This is NOT the time to

And thank you to everyone who sat on their ass in 2016

Like I promised, for every troll comment you make, I will donate to planned parenthood again in your name. Just taking out my wallet now. Keep it going! We need to give more money to women’s (and men’s) reproductive and sexual health orgs and you’re helping the cause ☺️

Awesome! Keep trolling so we can keep donating to PP. Here’s the link for everyone else to join in:

Fuck you for not voting in a Democratic Senate and House in 2010. People love to sit on their ass and whine, after not showing up to vote... and wonder why things don’t go their way.

Friend, you’re back. I literally just gave another donation to Planned Parenthood in your name. Please keep commenting so I can keep donating! At least your trolling is going toward a good cause ;)

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Fu*k all these liberal purists who are all “my way or the highway”, but don’t realize sometimes you need to accept the ‘lesser evil’ to move society just a little more towards your beloved political ideology. For all the Bernie bros who sat 2016 out or those who voted third party or

Sure am. J. Cole puts his money where his mouth is and doesn’t live on twitter thinking that systemic change will be made through hashtags and book clubs.