
Ivana... my dear. I was going to hold the tongue, but you wanted to enter the public discourse so let’s talk publicly.

Maybe people should donate money to 45’s 2016 non-inauguration fund instead. So about 10% of the money can go to booking DJ Ravi Drumz as the inauguration musical guest, and the rest can get laundered to the Orange Man’s millionaire friends & family, if not his own company. Love to see you idiots spend all your money

Used to be a huge fan, but she went off the deep end a few years ago. Started very publicly spouting off about how she couldn’t perform live shows any longer with a majority white audience. But then just this year decided to return to live performances by signing on for Coachella 2020 (before Covid hit). Um, so that’s

Nothing to see here folks! This totally isn’t projection! Melanie and Cheetolini have never done such illicit substances!!!!111

Well, Rand, at least none of these protestors listens to the advice of your pal, Tucker Carlson, on faux news like the maga dude in Kenosha this week

There’s thousands of these accounts that spam all of “urban” social media. If there’s an IG account with 0 posts and several hundred bot followers spouting off in TheShadeRoom about how much T***p has done for black people and why everyone should vote for Kanye (yeah, find the logic in that one), you can rest assured

Bingo! Can’t wait for Cohen to spill ALLL of the hot, scalding tea in his new book before the election. I will not spend a dime on that MFers book, but I will absolutely indulge in every indiscretion and crime of the sitting [white house occupant] and all if his enablers that Cohen plans to expose.

Whaddyaknow, just 1 year before they met their pool boy-cum-entanglement partner in 2012, Falwell met his 23 year old “fitness instructor,” who also happened to be a recent Liberty U grad. Just in the last couple years, Falwell was exposed for signing away Liberty University land & assets to this young man in real

Well, Michael Cohen’s book will be coming out in a few weeks and we’ll see what he has to say about it - given he was the legal counsel representing Falwell Jr. in the effort to subvert his wife’s nude photos circulating just around the time before the 2016 election. 😇

Now playing

Nothing to see here. Just your normal evangelical Christian university president behavior here.

Don’t forget Steve Harvey. Kissing up to pres-elect sHitler at the tower on 5th ave. And he met with Koonye at chik-fil-a of all places this week. I mean why not double down and expose yourself as a homophobe, in addition to already being a self-hating Uncle Tom.

Whatever you do, do not click on his banner ads several times and close the page so that they have to pay more for the cost-per-click (CPC) media campaign. I definitely do NOT do this for every T-P ad I come across online. 🙃

The Dems should support an eleventh-hour presidential bid by Kid rock or another washed-up, cokehead racist that will deplete the only youth support 45 has left. Checkmate bishh

Another post from you! Here goes another donation to PlannedParenthood in your name. Thanks for your support!

Agreed 100%. But, be careful what you wish for. The alt right will be clamoring to replace the Star-Spangled Banner with the Lord’s Prayer before you can blink an eye (or flash a bare knee, you harlot!)

Thanks. Every time you submit one of your ignorant comments I send a donation to PlannedParenthood in your name. 😘 Let’s keep up the donations!

I just LOOVEEE how much she bends over backwards to appease T***p, even though he very publicly hates her (and Kemp) and is actively supporting her even-more-racist, alt right opponent in the Senate race for Georgia. Get over it Becky Kelly. He doesn’t like you and never will. You can stop kissing his ass now because

Better yet, might as well get posted to the Trump-Pence campaign website since this just memorializes the tacit agenda and legislative policy of this administration to a tee.

I really would commiserate with damn near anyone suffering from a mental health episode in a public forum, where their physical/social interactions are beyond their control. But his outbursts are hurting people. Calling planned parenthood a terrorist org, demonizing women’s ability to control their bodies, belittling

He has. It just wasn’t recorded. And, if it was (as in on the set of the Apprentice), his lackeys from the show/network have destroyed any evidence to protect their king.