
It's only a good thing if you are:

Gibson should patent this and produce the "Dimebag Darrell Double Barrel" self defense model.


Where's Luke Skywalker when you need him?

Faulty assumption is faulty.

You overlook the very important fact that I was born into the technological age whereas some of these oldsters were born at a time when an f'ing butter churn was considered high tech.

"I wouldn't recommend a senior citizen purchase a computer".

Let's get some Net Neutrality while we're at it. p

Stunning and eerie. The soundtrack is more eloquent than any narration could have been.

Enjoy your brief moment in the sun, kool-aid drinkers, but don't forget the obvious fact that the Xoom is only one soldier in an army of Android tablets. And some nice Windows7 tablets are coming out as well.

Don't forget the obvious here: There's one iPad2, whereas there will be scores of Android tablets with better stats/performance/features before the iPad3 is released. So enjoy your brief moment in the sun, kool-aid drinkers.

If any of my banks do this i'm pulling every penny from them.

Congratulations on missing the point entirely.

Sony's been using the Playstation3 to fuck people over since day one...makes sense that they'd base their entire CE business on it.

Nope, they'll shovel money into the WP7 furnace until they can find something even worse to take it's place.

"Personally, I just hope they don't confine the service to the Windows platform and lock content down behind Windows Media DRMs."

+1 for keepin' it real.

It's the approx. number of books you can store on a Kindle. You see what I did there? If you don't I feel badly for you.

That delusional old buzzard should be made to hobble around for a week with 3,500 books strapped to his back.

But can it survive Taco Night?