
All you self-purported "RainMen" out there are super awesome winners for remembering your small number of contacts' numbers.

I should have said "and/or half a brain stem". Good looking out.

How do they fit all those tubes in there? #confused

Not only did he come back from the dead, but he did it while sporting some awesome new blue glowing zombie eyes to boot!

Boycott Sony if you have at least one ball and half a brain stem.

Which telecom do you work for? p


I know i've said it a million times but Lulz @ AT&T with their irrelevant voice calling "perks".

Should link search term "pro-life" to "overpopulation" "illegal abortion deaths" "child poverty" and "crime wave" to compensate.

Do we need to tattoo the claymore instructions (FRONT TOWARD ENEMY) on the Psy-Ops guy's foreheads so the generals can remember which way to point 'em?

No need, the guy self immolated.

Should have called it "The Fifth Kind". p

Android, bitches.

Hah! Sadly though, if there were a hacked PS3 involved, rather than just a re-purposed Move controller I guaran-god-damn-tee you they'd be ringing the lawyer alarm already.

Meh, might as well just drop a 20cent razor blade in your wallet. 90% of the functionality for .001% of the price.

I wish my grandfather, an Air Force Lt. Col. who spent a large part of his service in SAC was still alive so I could ask him if he ever saw the film.

Do they sell a $12 Jaw Un-hinger to go with it?

Very well said sir.


Entourage says otherwise.