
Obviously CG and a not so subtle viral ad for the next COD game.

So if they can't cut off your internet access with "Five Strikes" they can simply infect your system and "legally" get you this way.

The Betamax version is smaller and more expensive.

The Chinese government has actually addressed the lack of originality and innovation.

Fuck packages. How many more times do we need to say this?

Call it a hunch, but i'm pretty sure the government protected criminals responsible for crashing economies, pilfering treasuries, and war profiteering worldwide are a little bit more of a menace than a bunch of script kiddies displaying internet hubris.

I love how he chose the wording "great purveyor of hardware products" rather than "purveyor of great hardware products". Perhaps he is not as delusional as his predecessor.

He did an epic AMA on reddit re: this very topic. No link for the lazy.

"But if internet giants like Amazon bulldoze this kind of stuff through and make it work on the devices we all use, we might not have much choice in the matter."

You could use a spacer at the top and another removable spacer at the bottom for a low cost tilt feature.

RIAA filed a FAKE infringement claim on this video and got YouTube to pull it.

So are they turning back all the douchebags in Affliction shirts with rhinestone studded gun motifs as well?

In the past, AT&T has considered "legitimate services" to include data dumping to the NSA so, um, yeah ok.

First was the computer for morons, then the phone for morons, now...the cloud...for morons. This is supposed to be surprising?

It still beats standing in line for bread.

The butler did it?


The fuck do you have against Austin V?

...Upon the revelation of their discovery, the researchers were promptly assassinated by a Sony death squad.

Pfft, that's crazy talk! Next you'll suggest something zany like arresting drug SUPPLIERS as opposed to drug USERS!