
Did Apple increase the sugar content in the Kool-Aid?

Fuck a wheel. Where's my jetpack?

The self-balancing pansy-cycle just doesn't have the "I'm so desperate for attention that i'll ride the most ridiculous and retarded means of transportation ever invented just so people will acknowledge my existence, even if that acknowledgement is simply them taking measure of just how desperate and retarded I am"

Take your pick from the below:

Ah, the inJustice System at work.

I know i'm late but...

Post a flyover of a Jade Raymond sun tan session, and we can forgive this blunder.

Unfortunately for Sprint, neither the Wimax service offerings(including Clear's horrible home based service), nor the hardware(battery consumption/lack of variety) were quite up to the challenge of spurring widespread adoption. At least, not widespread *enough*.

Apparently AT&T has decided to emulate Blockbuster's worst practices. Here's how:

Anyone in the "injustice" system who sides with SONY should be made to replace every single product in their home with SONY products. We might actually start to see some fairness after that.

You may strap two together, plus you could sell the resultant litter of iPod cases for profit!

Two wrongs don't make a right.

How many times do we have to go over this? AT&T continues to produce increasingly irrelevant voice "discounts" while progressively decreasing the value of their increasingly relevant data plans.

Oh good! Now if we can just find them an efficient way to draw their energy from carbon based life forms we'll be all set!

I heard there was a plan under the Bush Administration to send a Jimmy Buffet probe to Europa along with a payload of 900,000,000 kilograms of margarita mix.

Thanks again Old Morons who Run America(TM). Please retire so we can fix your messes.

A new era of drinking games has just begun!

@grok666: Indeed. The currently accepted(and more accurate) nomenclature is "Less lethal", which includes small beanbag rounds for shotgun calibers. However, I'm not sure beanbags in .410 are even produced as they'd be practically ineffective. Beyond that, beanbags are intended for use in certain law enforcement

@Onizuka-GTO: Be scared of the criminal not his tool. Fear of an inanimate object is illogical no matter how you might try to justify it.