
@blalien: Sugar drink + THC induced munchies = chubby lumpkins.

@GCGuy: @GCGuy: It is more feasible to isolate certain systems and networks than "killing" the internet at large. The ONLY reason for a large scale unilateral internet shut down by the executive branch WITHOUT judicial review is to maintain control of the citizenry by limiting their access to information.

@GCGuy: It is more feasible to isolate certain systems and networks than "killing" the internet at large. The ONLY reason for a large scale unilateral internet shut down by the executive branch WITHOUT judicial review is to maintain control in the event of an uprising, or to prevent one.

@kesmed2001: I'm not sure if Gizmodo even has a charter or mission statement, but generally speaking, I think the editorial staff does a pretty good job of selecting content which will appeal to the geek in all of us, with very few exceptions.

@brandon_a_boyer: The firearm pictured was indeed chambered for 28gauge and was a separate item from the .410/.45/.454 model. The BATFE decided to classify it under the NFA which makes it a class III weapon which makes it practically unobtainable by normal citizens so Taurus scrapped any plan it may have had for a

@kesmed2001: By that same logic you could substitute any word describing anything Giz covers for the word "gun" in your statement.

"The only thing I know about guns is to stay away from them..."

Obesity Genie in a bottle.

Or you could just...you know, use the handy slots on the back of your strip and mount it someplace out of sight.

@gthing: I disagree! Thoughts of ownership may indeed be experienced, however they will be immediately followed by a gut churning revulsion and primitive flight response.

This ring set is SO ripe for the prankings.

It's not ok to go around arm-punching bratty teens, but assault charges for penny ante crap like this are ridiculous. It should have been an "armpunch for armpunch, split the brat and geezer apart and call it a day" scenario.

@Baughb: Weak jab at an awesome state that most people are jealous of whether they'll admit it or not. However, we don't get a lot of snow in central Texas and I wouldn't mind playing in some.

@bombastinator: Pay for my dog sled rental and hotel and it's a deal!

I'm sure they sound great for the 6mo. they will function before breaking.

I'm sitting here in Texas where it's 60F and sunny...and i'm actually jealous.

@TheRxBandit: Did you just post that to lure me to respond with an ironically sarcastic and derogatory hipsterish response with which you could boomerang my comment or are you being serious?

Mac toting "Hackers". Hmm...where have we seen this before?

If he was a hipster he could have walked once he explained to the cops that he was only iRobbing the place to be ironic.