
A man working alone with two women? He does not approve.

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

Twitter did not store passwords in plain text. Twitter *had* passwords that were stored in logs. As I’m sure *you’d* agree with Comey on, there was no intent here. Twitter didn’t intend to store these plain text. Even though afaik Bill’s Wife did remove the C for classified.

You can pick up a totally factory refurbished Model S in a lower battery pack for like 40 grand here in the states.

Always the first thing to cross my mind.

Counterpoint: Institute school uniforms.

One reason for this disproportionate punishment is that adults often see Black girls as older and more sexual than their white peers

PREACH MY BROTHER! I got flamed for daring to assert this not that many months ago. How far we’ve come! Currencies are explicitly issued by governments, and are backed by them. Crypto “currency” is really just money, but I’m will to overlook the nomenclature for the larger point.

The one kind of explicit value proposition backing currencies is you have to pay taxes in them and the US gov’t accepts them in payment for services

Fiat currencies are backed by the strength and credit of its backing nation.

Fiat currencies are backed by the strength and credit of its backing nation; it may be abstract, but it’s not “nothing.” Even gold, which is often held up as an ideal by those against modern currencies, is equally an abstract—if the apocalypse comes and the entire global economy shutters, even gold won’t stop you from


No, I meant losing a parent... which is never excuse enough to be a dick, much less YEARS later.

“experiencing what EVERYONE eventually does”

They’re just setting the stage for King of Kong 2.

If anything this reinforces the narrative of THE KING OF KONG. Billy Mitchell rank as one of my top ten villains in movie history. If anything, this just makes it better!

Yeah that seems harsh. If he really could hit that score, he should be able to prove it on a machine that has been fully vetted and approved.

As someone who bought King of Kong the second it was available, this is heartbreaking. I loved that story and narrative, so am trying to not let that experience be sullied.


Good point. Apparently I added the TV/movies qualifier inside my head.

Neither movies nor TV are mentioned anywhere in this article, other than your reply... I think the ice cream truck on every street, in every city should count :)