I’m not sure what show you’ve been watching, but it’s pretty much exaxtly on the slow downfall timeline everyone predicted.
I’m not sure what show you’ve been watching, but it’s pretty much exaxtly on the slow downfall timeline everyone predicted.
Honest question: what exactly do you think you’re contributing with a comment like this?
She worked as hard as anyone to make it big.... Ah, nevermind. LOL
No. This jackass is a lawbreaker and will be punished. And should be.
Brother, as you know, dealers have been doing this for decades without these huge problems. This is DIGITAL dealers. This is CARVANA. This is auto manufacturers and Tesla. companies that have “disrupted” the space and now claim the rules everyone has had to follow for decades are too restrictive.
For the record, I accidentally wrote “Oil Fitler” in my initial draft, and I’m not sure why I changed it given how badly this filter wants to ruin lives.
This comment makes no sense.
One thing that weighs on Michaels’ mind when it comes to contemplating his departure is that he “won’t want the show ever to be bad...”
People are hung up on the timeline because it’s clear that Mulaney was cheating and yet refuses to just admit to it.
I think odds were this was always going to be a premature birth.
They exist for no other reason than to be touted in political ads by law-n-order types.
“Give us Barabara!”
Ok, so....
I always imagine them as 4 brothers, and they were in a sense. And Ringo is the “normal” one who keeps the peace, rarely noticed, but when he speaks up or gets mad everyone notices.
I’m not a Beatles fan, but I found it captivating, and nothing felt like filler.