
It takes a lot to fuck up a government contract, and yet Boeing is trying their absolute best.

Calculator should have won. Flashlight is a light-switch, rather than an app. How could we all let this happen? All tens of us...  But more seriously, Rhett, thank you for your work over the years, truly.  

I’m not sure what show you’ve been watching, but it’s pretty much exaxtly on the slow downfall timeline everyone predicted.

You know who says shit like that? People with money.

Woah.  I bet - with enough patience & luck, it could even mint a bitcoin

The "Going Clear" documentary on HBO was also really good.

It kind of blows my mind that Cruise has never had a 100+ million opening.

Four hours of air conditioning was nothing to sneeze at back in 1939. 

On behalf of all Kinja, let me thank you for not putting this in a slideshow or a video.

Some of the pits might have been 18" deep!

Honest question: what exactly do you think you’re contributing with a comment like this?

So is this how Taco Bell won the franchise wars? By sticking to a real meat menu?

Piracy wasn’t just endemic during the USSR - in fact it more or less exploded during the post-fall chaos. When I was living in Moscow from 06-07 I could pop into any Metro station and get the latest Western releases (still in theaters) on DVD, or take a trip out to Gorbushka market, which was kind of like Dave

maybe they are like the CIA who don’t operate domestically as a rule?

I mean the 2nd thing Elon is going to do once he owns Twitter is ban the guy who tracks his flights - using publicly available information.

So yeah, about that free speech

If it offends you... you don’t have to use the platform.

She worked as hard as anyone to make it big.... Ah, nevermind.  LOL

Maybe, but who’s really fit to wear Sting’s Lightspeed Briefs?

Well, it is an “incredible achievement,” just in political propaganda, not public health.

Maybe he should take a cue from all the brave Russians protesting this war.