
This article says we already are using American metals.

You’re just going to pay more now.

I’m calling bs until someone can verify this. That in no way shape or form looked like it got to 60mph plus how much of a coincidence is it that it took exactly the full length of their parking lot to reach that milestone? BS, I like the car but this is just them looking for free publicity to sell their car for

And the worst thing about it is that it doesn’t show what the article claims it does.

Whatever happened to “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me”?

Twin Galaxies is loaded with problems. Add this to the list.

Whoa, dude. You watched Pixels?

The hypocrisy is ending. A personal anecdote: my mother— who, back those forty years ago, tossed pops out on his ear because she was a straight, a navy brat, who badly came to dislike his trippy ways— now suffers from RA and other bone diseases at 75 and kicking. She can no longer take NSAIDs, due to potential harm to

40 years? Tell us about all the crimes you’ve done... Tell us about the guns, and murders, and things! You MUST have a long list...

End the fucking hypocrisy now. Alcohol is a much more dangerous and socially pernicious “drug.”

A contact high? Maybe if you’re hotboxing a car, but then why would you be in the car if not to get high?

Awesome. Now fix this fraud:

You know how marijuana users are, all amped up on pot and out to commit crimes for more money to buy a plant you can easily grow in your bathroom, and lots of late-night tacos. Real menace, them.

Or the simpler explanation: A dude that has been caught cheating high scores in the past has a fishy, unreproducible score, and has now assumed to be a liar.

Counterpoint: how many office workers have gone to the bathroom not because they have to go but instead just to get away from their desk and mess with their phone? I find that the less privacy people have at their desks, the more time they spend in the bathroom.

“First date” - sure, sure, if that’s what you want to call it.

40% is total bullshit. The best deals (thanks slickdeals!) leave you within $100 of building your own and having to deal with zero rebates... And not having to deal with actually building the damn thing.

Definitely not 40%. I saved maybe 10% on my Ryzen build. Prebuilts are super cheap anymore. I walked into Best Buy a month after building my computer and found an R7 Dell tower with a 1070 and 16gb of RAM for about 700. I was just straight up blown away.

I’ve always bought pre-build computers. They tend to work great, and have excellent customer service, to boot. I guess if you want to micromanage the whole thing you can buy parts individually, but sometimes just having something reliable is worth the extra bit of money.

You only need one...

Currency is money issued by a people or government. Epithetically referred to as “the taxing authority.” Money, OTOH, is anything that is a medium of exchange (do you accept sheep?), a store of value (You’ll still accept sheep tomorrow?), and a unit of account (a car is worth 87 sheep).