A .1 improvement!
A .1 improvement!
A .1 improvement!
A .1 improvement!
The fastest way to get my vote is to promise a taco-truck on every corner!
Two out of five croaked on me (1TB EVO) without warning; both less than 2 years old. And boy when they fail, they fail catastrophically. All gone in the blink of an eye. I moved to SanDisk Extreme Pro and (fingers crossed) no problems yet.
Two out of five croaked on me (1TB EVO) without warning; both less than 2 years old. And boy when they fail, they…
So I took the tour of the NNSS facility last month and the takeaway (one among many) was that nuclear bombs are utterly survivable. Thermonuclear? Not so much...
I was really pulling for fondue.
Further- where I grew up the Fire Department would come out, throw a meter on the hydrant and fill your pool in a few hours. Then they hand you a bill- or not, if you were say, paying cash?
And I’ll add that my memories of the places in HL2 are more like memories from a vacation than any mere video game. The feelings and emotion are as real as the place in my brain.
Simply the best game I’ve ever played. The greatest in-game moments and LOLs that I’ve never seen since. Who didn’t love firing saw-blades through a bunch of Zombies with the gravity gun? Ravenholm. We don’t go to Ravenholm. Nova Prospekt. Black Mesa... The game play was so seamless the story evolved around me like it…
Exactly what are you getting for “free” though in a car? It’s not like Google is paying for your Navi system... Free updates, maybe? Are they paying for connectivity?
$20 not a deal...
$20 not a deal...
I’d vote for him again if I could.
No kidding- WHAT did they do to the UI? Brutal fale. SO much less usable.
So you’re the one?
Ummm- that ain’t security, that’s assault.
After it failed catastrophically I never went back (To Sammy)...
After it failed catastrophically I never went back (To Sammy)...
Does it work with the already available corpus of software? Vorpx, etc? For $350 I’d probably take a chance, for $600 I’ll wait and see.
Hear, hear. Oh! largely dog-proof, too, if you’re into that.
Hear, hear. Oh! largely dog-proof, too, if you’re into that.
Yes! And they vented the plastic “bucket” so no more poking holes in the liner (or if you’re me- drilling holes....) to make the bag fill out.
Yes! And they vented the plastic “bucket” so no more poking holes in the liner (or if you’re me- drilling holes....)…
Above this there is no other:
Above this there is no other: