No streaming of videos over 20mins... If you were thinking about that....
No streaming of videos over 20mins... If you were thinking about that....
No streaming of videos over 20mins... If you were thinking about that....
No streaming of videos over 20mins... If you were thinking about that....
In Chicago (Illinois at-large) this is know as a “fetcher.” It’s meant to summon the aggrieved party to City Hall with a big fat check. At whch point there is a perfunctory discussion about how everything is actually OK, then it’s back to business as usual.
Midichlorians, ugh.
Another Monday, another spray of “What you didn’t see on SNL.”
Totally agree- I love the Fauxfties theme the same way I loved the Art Deco immersion of BioShock. My criticism of Fallout is that the environment is just pretty and not really interactive & immersive. Just pretty wallpaper. And pretty indestructible, at that!
It was compelling TV when I was a kid and it’s funny- I showed it to my kids (8 and 10) during the Twitch-a-thon and they can’t get enough!
The diesel “scandal” only makes me want a VW more. Not a diesel, mind you....
Found the motorcycle rider...
What to expect? Don’t expect to exhale. It will be a seconds-long inhale until your chute inflates then ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. WHOA! What’s that? Oh a dog barking? There’s the plane flying away. I smell a campfire. Wow- the airport is so small. I started on a static-line and I’ll never, ever forget number one.
“OK sweetie, go over and kick that cop in the nuts, he’s been really bad.” Even my 5 year-old knows the difference...
THE air-superiority fighter.
I’m partial to my old, all-metal Anystream but your Icon gets my vote... I’ve carted this thing around for decades. (At least) 3 apartments and 2 houses. I’m going to my grave with it!
I’m partial to my old, all-metal Anystream but your Icon gets my vote... I’ve carted this thing around for decades.…
Retarded. A non-violent act where nobody was injured. Regardless of the explicit stupidity of the act, this sentence is an idiotic failure of justice.
Give them the death penalty. It will (still) do nothing to prevent the problem.
AND MINE!!!!!!
When pre-ordering meant getting it delivered (always a day or two early!) with a little swag thrown in I was all, all over it. GTA 4 was mailed on the release date. The Mass Effect (or was it BioShock?) got bungled. Then with the patching, the DLC, and Steam? Why bother?
Hah! Way to pump the brand. PGA Tour is a sewer compared to US Open (and I don’t even know what compared to The Masters). “YOU DA MAN!! HIT THAT POTATO!!!!!” No thank you for that. The PGA took a genteel spectator-version of a professional sport and commercialized it into a circus. US Open (though suffering, too) is…
It’s a private club. They can do what they want. Period. And you can whine about it from the periphery. If you don’t want people running in your backyard, you can ask them to leave. That’s how it works when you own something. Love or hate notwithstanding (and nice attempted swipe at the race-card, too) this is a…