
“I’m too sexy with my fibula” - Right Said Leg


“That might raise some eyebrows,” Indians play-by-play man Matt Underwood said after Walcott went down.

Good old Britain, whose only value in the 21st Century is to point out the idiosyncrasies of a much greater nation, 40 years later.

Cut Rex some slack. He’s new to this and will eventually get there. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a few feet.

The problem with that movie is that it would be a lot longer than you think.

Actually I’m a fan, which I why I fully expect every good thing that comes this team’s way to be ripped from under me, because why wouldn’t it?

It’s that how the internet blog writer opinion mafia wants me to think of it? Sorry, not gonna oblige. There are far, far grosser things described in that book.

For some perspective, I’m a structural engineer, and I designed a tornado shelter once for 250 mph wind speeds. It was only a small part of the building because the cost of designing a building or anything for 250 mph winds is stupid expensive (wind pressure is proportional to the square of the wind velocity, so a

On hearing that, a tearful Charles Sr. said that his son was the best cousin a brother could have.

Jr. also said he feels terrible about hitting a complete stranger but he thought she was his mother.

Alabama fan Charles Jr claimed he was only sticking up for Uncle Dad.

Maybe deal with those superfluous appendages first?

The spirit is willing ... but the flesh is spongy and bruised.