
@Jezuz: You mean because Martin is an idiot and thought "they were dead the entire time" which means A) He can write but must have failed reading comprehension or B) He never actually watched it and spouted off nonsense just to get page views.

@k0k0them0nkey: Actually if you were a real fan, and listened to their entertaining self-deprecating podcasts, you'd know they said years before the finale aired that only 'major' things would be answered otherwise they'd have to add an entire season with just someone reading out answers to pointless mysteries that in

@tylerbrainerd: Neither does the prospect of people disappearing so maybe all of the "the clothes are lain out wrong" can just stop now. It's funnier that way.

@georgecarlinjr: Because it wouldn't have been fun otherwise? Maybe you could change your name to BuzzKillington? Just sayin.

Rule #1: You will not disagree with, mock or complain about anything posted by an employee, or moderator of, a Gawker owned site.

@CaptainJack: I stopped paying attention after "stake" but I've heard all of this nonsense before. In my area there is only Comcast for HS internet so they can charge as much as they want, and impose data caps, because there really isn't anywhere else for me to go.

Is this confirmed for the US as well? I've been getting error codes starting back on April 15th.

@lazerus72: While I agree on the innovation point I couldn't give a damn about anything Nintendo after the botched GameCube. The Wii has a select few 1st party games that are worth playing and the rest are mostly garbage. A few of my non-gaming friends/relatives picked up a Wii and still only own the Sports bundle

@UltimateFlank: But it probably won't launch until the end of 2012/Q1 2013 so that really wouldn't give it much time to be in the lead.

Pretty much my thoughts "Wow so you will have faster hardware than something that launched 5 years ago". The good news is it means they will have a system that will look as good as Microsoft and Sony's current gen for about a year until they both launch a new system.

Ugh every time I get to the point of forgetting this terrible game there's an article making me have flashbacks of hours of my life wasted.

It really isn't absurd. Look at any Bestselling Games list and console/portable take up the vast majority. For instance here is a daily total on VGchartz or better yet worldwide software sales by platform:

@Mobius_1: That's the real issue isn't it? It's obvious they are worried about Nintendo's resurgence with the release of both Kinnect and Move as a stop-gap measure to prolong this generation further.

@Matt0505: Because the PC market has become a niche' market. It's near impossible for them to recoup development costs unless you have "craft" in your title.

Oh no by all means fight for what you believe in but just in the right place and time. If you want to attack Roe V Wade, planned parenthood etc then make up legislation that speaks to that specifically and/or fight it in the Supreme Court as it was the first time around. The budget for those programs are miniscule in

@sparx104: Because after today there are zero dollars allocated to government run programs, meaning they are temporarily bankrupt. This needs to pass in order to fund said programs and keep things running.

@Butters619: plus I get a pristine, hasn't been touched by cinnabon fingers copy from Amazon.

Well that is a relief at least. I know the media coverage has been blowing everything out of proportion but that was a seriously bad number.

I haven't been back here much since the new layout went live but I had no idea having an opposing viewpoint meant being unstarred and/or banned.