
@KBlack: During the great east coast blackout I had a full tank in my car so I would just go outside, turn it on, plug in the power adapter and use it. Easy enough.

@Genjis: Because we grew up and don't want to play yet another "Group of teenage superheroes find awkward love, regain their memory, get an airship, have some kids and/or fluffy animal tag along and save the world/universe" from their dad/sibling/ancient evil.

@vieuphoric: Thank you for stating it perfectly. When I was 15 playing a rouge group of teenagers was fun. Now that I'm over 30 it feels ridiculous and boring.

@Keanu: The Yamaha keyboard beats are dope! I need this for my ringtone.

@jaan: I bought one because I'm a spineless designer who didn't want to deal with the ridicule from his Apple cultist community.

@Squimpleton: Sales numbers. Most of the listed contenders made a boatload of cash and sold millions of copies.

@kicking222: LIMBO wins hands down for arcade/downloadable game but it's hard to say it's GotY though. Just my honest opinion.

@Eschekt: Because, like Transformers 2 proved, garbage can be very, very popular.

@dragonfliet: It was an enjoyable game albeit repetitive at times. Still 100x better than CoD:BO ;)

@baseracer0: Did someone spam vote for Blops?! Last time I checked it was much lower.

@Wade McGillis: and comes with 8GB, plays videos, music, games, video chat, book reader...

@GiantEnemyCat: So more small developer houses can go under as budgets skyrocket? Just because you can make better graphics for a new console doesn't mean we will get quality games in return.

@Yankton: I don't have the kid angle to go by but I agree with you on not being ready.

@Starshock: and if you will spend the extra $50 to make it $300 why not another $50? Well now that it's $350 might as well pony up another $50 and just make it $400!

@mrantimatter: Actually it was a 25hr tutorial if you conclude that it finally opens up at that point.

@mrantimatter: It was the dialog/story that really pulled it down IMHO. I could get past the linear gameplay and battle system but my GOD the lacie, falcie, focus just kept repeating over and over and over...

@ITIL_Prince: So basically DAX from Deep Space 9? Yeah I just went there deal with it.

@cowboyhugbees: I really loved the game until Mexico because it seemed like an added-on section to make it longer. Plus the 2nd ending.. yeah I can't vote for it.

@R0bster: The ending (not the ride home) sequence dropped RDR and puts ME2 on top for me as well.