
I do the microwave method. Once it’s done cut a bit of the top off and squeeze from the opposite end. It slides out like a big ole corn turd but there is absolutely zero silk.

I’ve flown more times than I can count or remember and I have never once seen the inside of an airplane bathroom. I’ve never flown internationally so I can see it then, but why can’t people plan a pee break on the ground from Chicago to Houston?  I suppose they are the same people THAT MUST HAVE ALL THE FREE

I personally own a GEM which is what these little vehicles are. I have never been bothered by the police. Both local and city ignore me.

The state trooper who inspected it said he’s only seen one in 8 years of doing the job.

I recently picked up a client located in plain ole Canada. It was surprisngly annoying to get the check deposited. My Credit Union held it for two weeks. They acted like I gave them Bitcoins or Confederate currency. They also said that they will have to do that every time. Crazy.

Celebrities on tv and the YouTubes, (I’m looking at you Neistat) seem to always annihilate their rooms and it makes me nauseous. Just because you don’t HAVE to clean a mess doesn’t mean somebody else enjoys doing it.
It’s all about paying it forward IMO.

I saw this post and watched the clip. I was totally stunned at how bad it was.
I watched the movie. I was totally stunned at how easily I was tricked into thinking this was a legit movie clip.

It’s been edited, folks. This isn’t how the movie played.

Kill it with fire.

I had two of those over the course of my life back in the early 2000's ish time. I had a white one and loved it to pieces and lost it to repo because I was a child. Then bought a black one later on. Both were reliable, looked nice to me at the time and had just enough power to not get me tossed into jail. I think one

Bravo. I feel like Steak & Shake is totally underrated in the burger world. I’m betting they will have an Impossible Burger option for cow huggers like Doran soon too.

Granted, I only fly around the US but can’t recall ever thinking I needed a person to fetch me a public blankey while in the air, even on redeyes.

You know those people who wipe every single thing they encounter with a cleaning swab? They will stand in a grocery entrance or block the airplane aisle or stand directly in

this stuff is the bomb. I have my mother in law buy me the biggest size for Christmas. 

I throw all my grocery needs in “Reminders” in iOS that I share with the family. This way they can add stuff.
When I’m in the store I know the layout well enough to just be able to go down the list and check things off as I grab them.

I have been told I shop like a European. I go pretty much every other day instead of

“stock up?”
It’s just cold out.
Zombies aren’t out walking the streets eating brains.

This is the reason I knew this and tried it back then.  

I find myself adding like 30 shakes is the issue.

The only right answer is to never go.

I did the same thing with my mini-van a while back. I employed the bottom strut lift as well. Once you get your toe and camber dialed in it settled down nicely and isn’t scary at 75 on the highway. I only take it to the grocery store though.

Easy on the <alchohol>, please?

I love that North Pole trip where Clarkson and May drink and drive so much.

Your dude seems to be in the beginning stages of “learning to cook” if the kitchen is that messy. Keeping the kitchen clean while still preparing and sending out good food is when he will really start to find his footing and your life will settle down.

Thanksgiving I had zero dirty pots and pans and had time to chat