
ok, but did I miss the “why” somewhere?

Serious question. Isn’t yogurt the same as ice cream health wise? I mean they are both essentially dairy + sugar. The main variable being how much sugar is added.

This would be so much nicer in black.

I thought the same thing. I figured it was looking for a weight range between this and that when I put a cantaloupe as opposed to an onion up there.

The first picture looked good, then I scrolled.

This is one of the coolest things Ive seen all year.

Generally, the blame lies with the website or Exchange server you are trying to make a password for. Most of them are run by stubborn old admins who insist upon making us use l33t speak like P@$$w3rd instead of long, multi-word passphrases which are virtually impossible to hack.
ex: my-partner-eats-worms-from-space


That is a fantastic little educational nugget. thank you.

I hate them, but being convertible makes it much more interesting and enjoyable to look at strangely enough.

I’m a grown ass adult and will drive by four Chick-Fil-a’s, an Arbys and a Harbour Freight to get to a Raising Canes.

I’m just reading a ton of people whining about working.
You have to load trucks, get carts and stand on your feet all day?
Boo effing hoo.

I don’t think I’ve rinsed off a fruit or veg in 25 years

Whatever incidental poo I have on my hands after visiting my kid’s school is probably nastier than the shrimp poo. I’ll eat the vein.

ahem...shrimp vein.

Crap, this always comes out sounding naughty.

Enough about your one night stand with Ed, what’s the ice cream taste like?

I bought a few of these bowls a few years back and love them for salads. Big but not too deep, and great for the occasional “fish-stacked-on-rice-with sauce-in-bottom” type meals. Steel forks scraping against steel bowls while I eat? No thank you.

That is impressive levels of bad.

Those huge ones from Costco are great.

NYC is probably the easiest place. Go to any slightly jewish neighborhood or butcher.

I love you.

It almost looks like they just used 2ft long rim spacers.