Same here. I pay 80$ for 3 phones for the family.
Same here. I pay 80$ for 3 phones for the family.
What is wrong with people.
Sounds like you are salty as well.
I had a slightly lowered Nissan Stanza in the 90's. It had snowed pretty heavily the night before so the roads were all empty. I grew up in Northern PA so I was no stranger to snow driving.
I was an assistant store manager for a large retail drug store so I was out pretty early. Say 6am. I was the opener that day.
I remember Penn Jillette talking about this in his book about his habits when he dieted.
“You don’t HAVE to order something just because everybody else is.”
Nothing is stopping you from ordering a beverage or contributing to the tip if you feel it.
Yep, it’s a fantastic free service that I use in front of about 150 websites.
The best part was the note at the end. :)
CloudFlare itself is a fantastic service with its DNS hosting for websites and has helped me in more ways than I can count. They even offer free encryption on your website now. If I want more features like more firewall blocking or additional rules I just have to pay.
While I can’t speak for them, it seems like they…
Two words. Deli container.
Funny you mention Breville. I got tired of putting new AA batteries in the impossibly expensive pepper mill my mother in law bought me. Turns out my old 18v clamps down on the mill part like a champ.
I do have some 20v drills in the shop I could try out for “testing purposes”.
12v spits out so much pepper so fast…
There’s a time and place for everything. I can see this might be useful in specific instances.
TIG is similar to soldering. :)
TIG is similar to soldering. :)
If the car was NOT a self driving car and the driver hit her and killed her I’d be willing to bet this would never even hit the national news.
I felt the same way. I thought for sure some threads were getting jacked up.
I’m not really put off by this. I’ve loved and watch TG all my life since before May was on board and now that The Grand Tour is on AMazon .... I don’t really keep up with it anymore. Sometimes things just gotta fade away.
BTW, why do I have to be pending for all my comments still? I’ve been posting on Jalopnik since…
Dad - “Son. Why did you take the windshieldwipers off the car we just bought you?”
Son - “But Daaaaad, it’s a racecar!”
Dad - “You are grounded, I’m tired of this crap. It’s going on Craigslist.”
I thought custom USPS rigs were no longer a thing. My neighborhood has been using Dodge Caravans for ages now. I know because of the idiot hits the grass on the edge of my driveway almost weekly.
I agree 100%. I flip back and forth between drinking and not drinking and sodas don’t scratch that itch. I gotta find some Mikkeller now.
I’m trying to quit drinking. I enjoy the taste of beer, especially at night. I don’t drink sodas. There aren’t many options left.