Thanks for the tip. Now I just need to find a local source. It’s 32$ on Amazon which is a bit steep.
Thanks for the tip. Now I just need to find a local source. It’s 32$ on Amazon which is a bit steep.
On a related note Kevin, I’d love to see an article someday on TheTakeout about N/A beers that taste good. People have mentioned in the comments and I have heard from friends that some German beers are quite delicious and have no alcohol in them. I just can’t afford to import a bunch of them to taste test. All my…
Does it taste as bad as American N/A beers? GAH.
I’d drink N/A beer all the time if they can just make it taste good.
I was so lost for a while. I thought this had truffles in it, as in a subterranean Ascomycete fungus.
Now I feel let down.
I have 2 videos coming up in the kitchen matter of fact. :)
That still leaves 23 hours and 55 mts in the day
Hah, I have a YouTUbe channel chock full of my side interests. I’m surprisingly good at working 80 hours a week. :D
I feel like this needs to be on Snopes I’ve heard it so much.
I went sober for an entire month and felt lifeless and dull. Granted, I got more done, but personality wise I just turned into a sack of potatoes. Without booze, how do people let go after a stressful week or day?
Crapsticks you are right, sorry, I totally missed that.
hah, touche
Look it’s a sheep in wolf’s clothing.
I can confidently say I have never once eaten in the middle of the night. I always thought it was a movie/tv trope.
Nice x’ed up grill marks are nice sometimes to bring a little char into the mix.
But yeah, full on cooking them is dumb.
Needs moar motor.
Needs moar tire.
Needs moar better style.
But it “might” be nifty in the hands of the right person.
Between the upfront membership costs and the time spent wandering around in the store, it doesn’t add up. I’ll spend a buck or two more for various things to be able to do it from home and not deal with the heathens and the old-fashioned-ness of “running errands”.
Not drinking is really hard for me. There is no great replacement for the burn you get from real booze, especially since I love straight up whiskey. Really strong ginger beers help a lot, but get old since they are still quit surgery. I’ve also been experimenting with adding some cayenne to some things to replicate…
Yes but does it have electrolytes?
The concept of “installing a client on all the required computers” is mentioned in the article. I tried it out today and it’s a firm “meh” for my situation. I’m curious about Circle though.