
2-3 times a week I drop off my 8 year old step-kiddo to school. It’s maybe 5 blocks away. I believe I am looked at as fairly crazy considering I’m in a relatively wealthy, white collar, small and eco friendly neighborhood with virtually no trucks, let alone behemoths like this.

I like to save it in the container it came in and then put it in the garage. I use it to start fires in my firepit. Drizzle it onto newspaper and your wood and hit it with a torch and you will have a roaring fire in seconds. Will probably work perfect for charcoal briquets too but i haven't grilled out in a while.

I recall having a matchbox car that i treasured that did that thing the first image is doing. Rear end all jacked up weirdly.

okey doke. I've never seen that yet but if it's true yeah, thats a bummer. Maybe it's a logged in logged out thing, or maybe it's just a high profile advertisement. Interesting.

You can skip the preroll after only 4 seconds. I think it's a worthy tradeoff for people who work hard to make content everyday for YouTube.

I've been an Amazon Prime'r for 3 years now. I am usually shocked to find stuff on my door a day early. It's a bummer you had a bad experience. I will even buy toiletries, unusual food items and common stuff just so I don't have to bother with the grocery store. Maybe I am close to a shipping hub and you are far

I tend to clean mixing bowls, sheet trays, custard cups for mise en place, etc as I cook so that makes life much easier. A quick rinse when something is only lightly soiled is much easier than piling it up and letting it get crusty.

Or throw them in a box filled with slightly damp sand and put said box into basement. They will keep 6 months or so.

I agree. I think it depends on the kids age. Currently I am struggling with the kid leaving the table and me thinking he is full, when in reality he wants to do something else and will be hungry in an hour.

So if I want a Bugatti Limo all I need to do is undo 14 bolts and strap in an extension. Sweet.

Ugg, when people say that it just sounds condescending. :)

Yes because the manager has nothing better to do than reply to freeloaders via email all day long.

Wait, people use FF still?

Learn how to be a man and use a tool.

I refuse to ensconce my phone in craptastic cases and covers. I go bareback and am still am able to recoup my cash. I don't drop my phone much, and jailbreaking it means you are guaranteed to get your money back.

Nah, that's no biggie. I was just confused because I had the ClearDay app. It never occurred to me there needed to be aseparatee purchase of the Clear Day Screensaver too.

Thanks. :)

I am a Clear Day user myself. Where is this screensaver you speak of?

Can you use Chemex filters in this? I'd hate to have to buy two different kind of filters.

I agree 100%.