Dixie Vista

Agreed. It’s amazingly unfair that we must chip away at both sides of the marble to even get close to statuary equality. I’m annoying myself with words today.

Pedophilia seems almost genetic in terms of incest, but it now seems nurtured into the realm of acceptability for those with the propensity to act on it.

Ok so which lady billionaire is going to make this her new cause? Buy out a major trucking company with a training program, weed out the abusive trainers with fake trainees, train enough women to make it 50/50, and proceed to take over the industry.

I’m an escort. They’re usually not tech savvy enough to create an anonymous one, too busy, or so high up they think they’re invincible.

Probably half my clients use their work email to book me. Ridiculous.

Congratulations! You now live in the best part of LA. Go to Belissimo you won’t regret it. Amazing lox bagel.

Thank you for understanding. I don’t sell my body, I sell my time and use my body, not unlike a professional athlete uses their body or an attorney uses their brain or military personnel use their body.

I never said your daughter was narcissistic, my point was simply that you may be overly critical of her, and being biased (all patents are), you ought to check yourself for such bias.

And this is exactly why my multi millionaire mother-in-law suing the shit out of the rest of the family scares me out of ever wanting that level of wealth

Sometimes parents are wrong though. Do you monitor yourself for narcissistic family behavior traits? It’s not just about being a good parent, it’s about actively avoiding being a bad one.

Precisely why I keep my nails a manageable length. Wouldn’t want to nick a female client; I’ve been nicked by a coworker, ugh

Maybe I’m concern trolling here, but aren’t literally flashy tattoos of guns glamorous the gun culture most of us agree is a major problem? I mean cigarettes make you sick, but guns, like, very speedily kill and maim.

Precisely why I’m grateful to be an escort. My husband and I both suffer intense mental illness and without my very high end price tag, we could never afford good outpatient care much less the boatload of medication required to be almost stable (we’re getting there, it takes some time; going on 5 years for me, 10+ for

“Caterina yanked up her dress and screamed, ‘Kill them. I can make more’ “

Well this is awkward, considering the Duggars’ whole thing is self sufficiency and no debt. Unless they’ve decided that only applies to what they decide it applies to, a la Christians and most Bible teachings.......

I still feel like there should be a philanthropic element to Jezebel wherein pertinent issues like this one get highlighted and promoted.

Me too! Pleased to meet you my dear, despite our profession there are not a lot of sexworker Jezzies I’ve met. Are you on SW?

You’re dead on. Middle easterners are less represented in the art of sexwork, so they tend to draw rapt audiences/clientele regardless of skill

Exactly. Humanitarians make no profit. Selling a dream makes you a salesman, not a missionary.

THIS. My child abuse survivor husband swears the humiliation and berating were far worse than the beatings he got.