Dixie Vista

I was never very popular. In high school my mother coordinated for my two closest friends, both a year older, to take me to the movies for my birthday. It was sad but sweet of her to care.

It’s very clear to me that Jesse suffered from complex PTSD. Physical and emotional repeated trauma with no escape leads to illness, though usually not such murderous in its symptoms. Sadly complex PTSD still isn’t wholly understood but we are getting there. I am a caretaker for a family member who has it and it is a

It’s very clear to me that Jesse suffered from complex PTSD, and he acted out violently. We still don’t know much about the long term effects of repeated trauma, except that the younger you are when the repeated traumas (physical or emotional, clearly he suffered both) occur, the more ill you become.

You don't have talk to text software yet? Do you want carpal tunnel or fancy nails? Feed your ego, enable yourself ;)

Again why are the guys gross. Everyone is free to take the risks they choose. Who is to say the his don’t all know each other so it’s a reasonable assumption they are all clean and tested?

Slut-shaming! It’s not gross, you just think it’s gross for you. She feels shame, but only because she didn’t use protection the morning after I’m sure - hello Plan B

Yeah and Plan B, that is exactly what it is for!!!!!

There are actual groups of people who engage in this kind of group sex activities, it’s just sad this one instance doesn’t involve safe practices so it makes all the sexually adventurous seem irresponsible.

It’s a little slut-shamey to assume lots of sex causes uti’s. Because it doesn’t necessarily. Just like stds and pregnancy aren’t guaranteed from sex, you know?

Two words: good lube

Luna Beads are better - wear them around the house, they do the work for you in my experience, and increase libido while using. Highly recommend. Thanks for reminding me I need a fresh set.

Porn itself isn’t the problem - it’s distribution of wealth and those who take advantage of young girls. If escorting were legal, more girls would do it and be safer. Porn is just the lowest common denominator of legal adult work, that’s glamorized by the few truly successful actresses that control their image. Most

Thank fucking god(dess)! 50% ethnic is appropriate. 'Bout time. Totally excited.

Right? I mean we aren't seeing French youngsters having Baroque themed parties (or did I miss that? Not as racist but definitely classist and sexist)

Just what we need, an example of universal healthcare gone wrong for tea partiers to point to

Maybe a simple suggestion - take both photos in the same place, literally before and after, in the makeup chair. Selfie or the artist can take it.

when we negotiate, it's "greedy"

Yes yes yes! Decriminalization helps all adult entertainment - watch porn become very different when young women have autonomy in their sexual career - suddenly the directors and producers will have to match or beat the conditions of working as an independent escort for much much higher pay. I can't wait to see it

My dearest is a criminal defense attorney and he brings up a great point - robberies where no persons are present give higher sentences than rape. So property > woman's asexual autonomy

This part of Jezebel has grown amazingly and I love the writing, please don't stop!!! It's articles like this that will help affect change, you're absolutely right.