wtf omg she's doing it wrong. You're supposed to stagger your dogs so when the old one kicks it, the young one licks the tears until you're ready for the next stagger in a few years.
wtf omg she's doing it wrong. You're supposed to stagger your dogs so when the old one kicks it, the young one licks the tears until you're ready for the next stagger in a few years.
I'm not going to lie, I've always been too much of a "goody-goody" to do anything except blacklist a client, but god(dess) do I love living vicariously through these stories!
Thank you for this interview! As a mentally ill sexworker, I appreciate the truth in this. The stability sexwork can provide is invaluable compared to any other profession, with any illness.
Get it, girl!!!
Hey do not knock the stuff! Saved me when I had my tonsils out in college, and every time my mood goes back to manic and I lose my appetite for a few months. That shit is golden when you need it :)
Thank you. Subtle shit like that is what makes 21st century living so much more god damn complicated than generations before us.
Wait, what? Forensic evidence fetish? Please explain.
This may sound crazy, but I've found a partner with a similarly unpredictable mental illness steadies the relationship. We don't keep score, but we both stick it out through the worst of each others' sickness.
I have authority here, having seen possibly thousands of penises here in America. I stopped counting before I started escorting and I find I use up Trojan regular size condoms the most, which fits in the parameter of the study. Some are longer but less thick, some are thicker but less long, so I assume it evens out.
I'm so going to miss this show!!!! And all the great performers it introduced us to, ie all of them basically. I'll keep watching forever on Netflix I surmise.
Get your 'script from a cvs minute clinic! Screw the dermatologist that over charges and takes weeks to get into.
So relieved my professions (wife, entertainer/escort) cracked the top 10!
As an escort, I chose my profession but know trafficked girls in my area. Not sure this tactic will be useful unless they track the info then find ways to bring down the pimps, which is damn near impossible. The ring I know most about operates with a female escort helping the pimp with recruiting and god knows what…
Well then let me assuage your fears love!
I'm only 29 but to stay at the top of my field, I need to keep looking like I'm in my early 20s. So I only have a few light lines, but I have noticed regular use of the Illumask had made me generally keep that younger-looking face.
As a Jezebel addict employed in a field that begrudgingly demands physical beauty (hey, sexwork!), I'm super duper excited.