
I agree that in relationships perception is important, however I didn't intend to step into the philosophical. Now you're treading in delusional viewpoints. Any psychologist will tell you that ascribing powerful emotion to something that isn't tangible is generally unhealthy. Sort of like considering yourself a

That's more or less a description of my point. Assari looked like women but had no parts and were asexual. In the story they just "merge" DNA with other beings and have no reproductive organs (perhaps the oddest species in fiction considering that genetic diversity couldn't come that easily...). They both have

Agree completely. I F**king hated DA:2. Worst story to come out of Bioware since, well. Ever. I haven't played MDK or Sonic, so they get a bye. DA:2 was just awful and I consider it the worst game they've produced that I've played.

I don't care one way or another if Shep can be gay. I don't. What drives me nuts is the people who claim that as a FemShep you could be. No... you couldn't. You could do some sort of odd bond with an asexual race that happened to have tits merely because more men play games than women. It wasn't gay because the

The only one I'll really miss is Ronin. Better watch it in all its 1080p glory one more time tonight.

It's probably not all that hard. What's hard is forcing the drive to do that. There are a lot of forensics utilities that can grab the entire contents of a drive without executing one byte of data. You'd need self-powered hardware on the drive itself to accomplish this.

True that. Jade Empire was amazing and deserves a Sequel much moreso than Dragon Age needs a third installment.

As long as it's NOTHING like C&C4, I might be interested. I cannot say enough bad things about C&C4.

I bought the Noble map pack for... one of the Halo games because I needed it for a game weekend at a buddies house. We ended up not even using it. Worst DLC on Xbox I ever bought. I now adamantly refuse to buy map packs. What a waste.

Couple more articles like this and I'll be finished with Giz...

I generally ignore all DLC. The only time I'll get angry about it is if it's necessary to complete a game. I'm not opposed to its existence, I just don't have any use for a slightly better machine gun. And I don't play multiplayer online, so map packs are not for me. I did, however, buy some of the DLC for ME2

They do. However a dummy is one thing and a person is another. Eventually there had to be a trial on humans.

How the hell do you think flack jackets came to be? Nobody wanted to wear the things to test them, let alone shoot someone who was wearing it. And, without proper testing, nobody would ever buy it. So the owner/creators of them HAD to shoot themselves to prove that lead jackets and eventually Kevlar could save

I'd be more concerned about wood's burning properties.. Well, maybe not. The chips would melt long before they hit 450 F.

CoH, I'd actually be pretty well okay with patents on gestures because some of them are genuinely very brilliant. There was already a way to zoom in and out in place. Buttons. So if someone was truly the first to figure out how to utilize a multi-touch display with all the gestures, good on them. They did a damned


One way to look at is if you get caught reading blogs and stuff while you should be working you'll probably get off with a bit of a warning or something like that. But if you're looking NSFW stuff like this, well, that's sexual harassment and hostile environment. It gets you fired or possibly fined and jailed since,

Either books purchased directly from Amazon or stuff sent to my user@free.kindle.com account. You just have to set it so that it only transfers over wifi (and not 3g if you have it) and Amazon will never do anything that charges you.

Everyone else is stupid for not having made that jump already. :)

Bike trainer + cheap bike takes up slightly less space.