Her voice is the only reason I didn't try to run through ME2 on Insanity with my femshep Infiltrator. To use the phrase a buddy of mine used when he heard her speaking, it often sounds like she's talking "with a penis in her mouth."
Her voice is the only reason I didn't try to run through ME2 on Insanity with my femshep Infiltrator. To use the phrase a buddy of mine used when he heard her speaking, it often sounds like she's talking "with a penis in her mouth."
I play vanguard (renegade male) and infiltrator (paragon female). From a combat perspective they feel like the most fun and involved (okay, I like sniping). I feel the engineer is just boring. I started a playthrough as a male soldier on ME1 and 2 because I thought it would be easier to beat the game on Insanity…
Damn hipsters... :D
That only works if your offer isn't going to cause them to lose money on the car or is on a car they just can't move. I've walked off of dealerships who were truly trying to screw me but it didn't do any good. The entire market around where I live is saturated by dick dealers. There's a fairly high possibility that…
Any of them but VIII or X(2). VIII because it was a boring as hell soap opera with a battle and menu system that was overly ambitious without any real benefit. X because, well, I played through almost the whole damned game waiting for it to get good or fun when I realized I was at the end and I still didn't give a…
I dunno. Seems like it'd be nice if they returned to actually needing skill to play the game like in the first one. All the bombs and other BS from Revelations just pissed me off. Not that I'm not a fan of games where you wade through bad guys or anything. I just thought the best part about Assassin's Creed was,…
Same with the chair shadows and the lines on the ceiling.
I've been training in kung fu for going on ten years. Used to live in a bad neighborhood*, the same neighborhood where one of the instructors in my studio was walking out to his car after some electrician work and a group of guys had a Fridge sitting on the sidewalk. They asked if he wanted it for $50. They chatted…
Impulsive burglars always go for what looks easy. If your TV is on when the opportunist comes by and the house across the street is dark, you're probably safe. If it's a methodical burglar, yeah, he/she's cased the joint and there isn't much you can do anyways. Just gotta make it look like your house isn't worth it.
At the very least you'll be dead long before they'll have finished cracking it.
I know the article is a bit old, but i needed to voice my disgust with the Droid 4 screen. Perhaps I've been spoiled by Galaxy phones but the screen on the Droid 4 is just awful. Movement of objects is blurry and I can't even tell that it's hi-rez. Maybe the unit my wife got is flawed... I need to contact Verizon…
I've seen this in rare instances, however I've never blindly accepted Amazon's pricing on things either. Nor have I ever concerned myself with the List Price since it is irrelevant data. If the price seems right I buy it, if it doesn't I price check with local retailers. Most of the time Amazon is cheaper despite…
It's in the job description. If you don't wear a pink polo with upturned collar, bluetooth headset, or gym shirt with the arm holes ripped down to 1cm from the bottom to the interview they kick you out.
Can I get a "Who the fuck cares?" HBO creates some great content, however the cost of entry is just not worth it. If HBO Go was available as a subscriber based service at a relatively low cost, I'd get it. However this BS is just not news. HBO making yet another outlet for those who already have it...
Yeah, the perspective there is rather awkward...
Snowman Shepard (male - spacer - ruthless - into Williams) - about 80% renegade. Only goes paragon when the renegade option is completely heartless
So its Benjamin Martin/William Wallace/Martin Riggs/Mad Max vs. Col Tavington/Lucius Malfoy/Captain Hook. This could get interesting... Though I've lost my faith in Assassin's Creed after Revelations. No matter what the hype, this game will hit the bargain bin before I buy it.
So Mel Gibson was an Assassin, huh?
Drove me nuts that Mass Effect suffered from the KOTOR1 dungeon style. Every side quest area a bloody carbon copy of the others (Bunker, building, or ship) so it really didn't feel like any exploration was lost in ME2 to me.
I loved ME2 but was pretty disappointing with the lack of an inventory and customization. And, yeah, the inventory system in ME1 was atrocious... I don't know which system I liked less. 2 just lost that RPG feel when you couldn't customize anything. But with 1 it was such a pain in the ass I rarely ever used it.