

Rule 42 no exceptions Fahey.

With the colored pools, seems possible. Or the rockies.

Troll level 9000

It’s because marvel doesn’t count digital and bound copies of comics, which is where “girls comics” like squirrel girl and Miss Marvel did so well. /frustration increases

Did the change in lithigation laws have anything to do with it? I don’t remember the details but I know that they are now in the right of the publishers now, not the creators.

He didn’t rank story progression confidants but Morgana is #1 to me

You want to max as many as you can, but try to date only one girl unless you want to be miserable on Valentines.

Baby Groot. Rooted.

Trying to fill the gaping hole left behind after finishing persona. I’m in Sept of NG+ already but I need a break from it.

Also keep in mind Milton is the king of Unfinished Swan, not the protagonist (confirmed by Sparrow themselves in an AMA) sooooo...

*she. But yes :)

Now playing

I’m this gal from here. I have some sight. Just not much. Aka visual impairment/legal blindness

It was there. I was taking notes, trust me (and the official handler was grilling me about how I made my animatronic Clank, which the official one doesn’t have)

I’m the one on the right and it was a joke that I, a blind programmer, made what I did (I am no way a professional mascot maker) and the one in the top photo is an official costume.

I’ve made better mascot heads on my kitchen table with sofa cushions and duct tape. And I’m blind.

I have a few in my inventory right now.

Got to play the demo at PSX last year and LOVED it. Had the fastest completion time that day!



It’s been over a year, and I still can’t recommend this game enough. If you have a group of friends with whom you regularly game, this is still a must buy.

It’s been over a year, and I still can’t recommend this game enough. If you have a group of friends with whom you