
Here’s a big piece you’re missing though- the Shogi social link goes over this information. In fact, every piece of trivia in the game relates directly back to a confidant or a major story point like the childrens bank.


There’s an in game calendar. You have blocks of time to fill in game- it starts in April and goes to the following year. They don’t want people streaming past the in game events of early July.


That’s the one!

I have literally been using the keyboard that came with my 2001 iMac. It still works great and no complaints. This thing has been to every continent except Europe and survived over 10 moves.

The whole game is written this way. By far the best hidden gem of 2016

I have an animatronic clank to boot!

If there’s like 20 people taking my photo at the same time they can’t all stop and ask without blocking traffic. I wish people would- I make cards for a reason- but eh.

No, thank you!

You’re not allowed to stop traffic flow in the expo hall. Photos are fine if you don’t block anyone

They can’t be expected to know everyone- and I’m blind so I don’t know if someone’s photographing me if they just start snapping.

Those are the official Adult Swim ones, they’re not fans. Though they might be!

I’m the Ratchet. Can I be credited please?

I don’t see a problem with this. If someone is streaming a game they’re advertising it in the first place. If you like a streamer and the game, buy it through them. If you don’t, don’t buy the game or get it elsewhere.

What is the point of pretoasted bread. WHAT. IS. THE. POINT.

Okay, thanks!

Curoius- what’s the penalty for failure? I’m terrible at rythn games

As someone visually impaired, who can only play Skyrim as a sneak theif (arrows from a distance where I can time and plan my shots, I get wrecked fighting in quarters or any game where I have to dodge and parry) is this game playable for me?