Regional rail, Amtrak (that 25% discount for disability helps), cabs, and a very very good friend support network. And that's only when public transit (subway and bus here) don't cover it Or my feet I've logged over 5,000 miles on my pedometer since moving to Philly
If you’re interested in some of the political implications, I wrote up a blog post for my company’s blog last year about policy. Can I post a link or is that a no go on Jalopnik?
Hey, sight is a metaphorical thing too. I use that expression all the time. I was born with it, actually, so I don’t know what “normal” vision looks like. I know what Porshes “look” like from all the die-cut models I built as a kid, and riding shotgun in my uncle’s cars (he builds and mods all his vehicles).
The latter. I have some vision but I'm never going to be behind a wheel unless it's in a Dave and Busters.
Legal blindness, not complete blindness.
Hey. I'm trying to solve the messes the last 200 years of urbanization has created :P
Legally blind, yes. And I’m specifically a public transportation advocate.
My situation as well. I’ve taken the financial hit to live in the city center for access to everything I need without a vehicle. Otherwise I’m stuck living with my parents in Florida for basic needs- and both have their own lives so I’d basically be confined to a room in the house, only going out if they were.
On that note, feel free to ask questions. I'll be happy to answer where I can. Also hi from Kotaku!
As a blind city planner writing policy on driverless cars, I await our robot overlords.
Oh I'm pretty sure boys do too.
Booth pirates> booth babes
CBS filmed us!
That’s it. You need to go into pun timeout, mister. Colin Mocharie is already sentenced to life in there.
Suburbia has an excellent single player variant. Highly reccomended
...thank you for that piece of information? I was leaning on the table to adjust Clank on my back. He needs a robot-diet.
10/10 would lemur again.