
As a fairly minor villain character. wouldnt surprise me he was a compromise to get it in distributor’s hands.

I don’t know why people think I’m excited for this.

Maybe I should open one of these in the USA?! Anybody have a patient for me?

Hey I fixed it since. Check the comments below.

IKR? I fixed the tail when I got home but the mechanism just doesn't work as well anymore >_<

Bouncing off that- because the ratio of official booth people to cosplayers was so skewed in the former (and I had Clank on my back) I had a LOT of people thinking I was official. When someone working at the Ratchet and Clank booth complained I was breaking character for talking aloud, well...

Thanks, but as some have mentioned about the wonky head, I e done a bit of remodeling.


Hey... my women’s cosplay group has been discussing this at length. ‘m not going to post what any of them wrote, because its’ none of my business, but I will reiterate my own opinion here:

It’s sewn from “We want to give cosplayers a hard time”.


Edge of nowhere is not a launch title?

What DO you call a group of Pikachu?

Why is everyone turning in their man cards? This stuff is AWESOME and should be snuggled immediately.


Half this list is Marvel, and I see no DC with the loss of Action Comics. As someone who’s only sort of dabbled in Batman and already reading everything Marvel off this list, and good recs or are there really no entry point DC comics out right now?

All two of us!

Because it is really, honestly that good

Ratchet and Clank:

Xenosaga. Smash is much improved by a New, but can absolutely be played on any of the 3ds models

Xenosaga. Smash is much improved by a New, but can absolutely be played on any of the 3ds models