Division by Zero

Someone may have just gotten their first Android phone yesterday. We can't always assume everyone has been onboard since the inception of the product, nor that everyone has been reading Lifehacker for years. I converted from being a BlackBerry user (3 models over 8 years) to an Android user about a month ago. Even

"Lifeforce" was one of the first R-rated movies I ever saw and Matilda May was just what a horny teen boy needed to see. I saw the movie again on VHS years later and just fast-forwarded to her nude scenes because the rest of the movie was schlock.

As a former BlackBerry user who recently made the transition to Android, I'm eager to try this app. One of the things I miss on my current phone is the ability to have different vibration notifications for different events. On the BB I could have it vibrate once for emails, twice for IM's, and three times for SMS. Now

My high school physics teacher told us about this nearly 30 years ago. I thought it was common knowledge.

I loved the HBO intro. To this day seeing it still gives me a delicious tingle.

When I'm sending an email to someone on a topic for the first time, I always include a greeting and salutation. If I'm addressing someone who outranks me in the company I always include a greeting and salutation on the initial email. If we're peers or I outrank them, I will include a greeting or a salutation, but

@luckycharms: I've found the same to be true. It seems that refurbs these days don't get the same degree of quality checks and cleaning that they used to. At the very least they should reset the refurb to factory defaults but often they don't even do that anymore.

I have a friend who is a great starter but never sees anything through to the end. He will come up with the best ideas, start a project with enthusiasm and creativity, then fizzle somewhere before the end. We find that it's best to let him come up with the ideas but turn things over to someone else for implementation.

@andrew11: I have to wonder how many such cases are a result of other people putting such material on the computer. I could easily see someone hiding a stash of porn on someone's computer for various nefarious reasons.

For a business email I expect a reply within 4 hours during normal business hours, certainly no later than the end of the following business day if you want to keep me as a customer. For a personal email I expect a reply within 3 days. I don't send that many personal emails anymore, however. I'm much more likely to

I often use a countdown timer to help me stay focused. I found one years ago that runs in Windows. I'll put it in the upper right corner of my screen while I work. Unfortunately the site that had it is now gone, but I copied the app to several flash drives so I'd always have it. The timer also comes in handy to keep

I leave a small container of activated charcoal in my car. So far it has taken care of all odors.

This seems to be missing a link.

On my BlackBerry I have the password enabled plus a lockout timeout. If I do not use my BB for 30 minutes it will automatically lock the keypad and require the password for reentry. In that way, even if I do leave my phone somewhere (highly unlikely) I know that it will lock itself on inactivity. I also like the

In my current job I make twice as much as I did in my former job. I also only commute about 200 miles a week for this job instead of 600 miles a week for the old job. If you add to that the fact that I love what I do, it's enough to keep me upbeat most of the time. Now there are some days when my coworkers get on

The water inside the tank is clean. It's the water in the bowl you need to be concerned about.

@laser712: In my company, unless you receive a promotion, the biggest raise you can hope for is 5%. The typical raise is around 3%.

@Alan Rosenthal: Indeed, this dates back to the very first cell phone I owned. I'm surprised this is considered a "hack" these days.

So if a delegate sends an email on your behalf does the recipient see "From Cain on behalf of Abel" or does the recipient see "From Abel"?

I always check the travel time estimate on Google Maps and double it for in-town driving. I add 50% to it for city-to-city driving. If it says it will take 15 minutes to get from my hotel to the airport, I budget for 30 minutes. If it says it will take me 2 hours to get from City A to City B, I budget for 3 hours.