Divershitty Uber Alles

It’s hilarious how Gawker Media constantly shits on buzzfeed but then you basically plagiarize them when it suits your needs. I can’t wait until you hypocritical scumbags go out of business.

Not at all. Just pointing out how Jezebel “progressive feminists” often get angry at any suggestion that men and women are very different when it suits them, but then turn right around and acknowledge those very differences when it suits them as well.

Wow it’s almost like men and women are actually... GASP... different!!!

Perfect for the dhimmis and cucks at Gawker Media!

Maybe... JUST MAYBE... men and women are actually.. GASP... DIFFERENT! And here I thought we were supposed to “celebrate diversity”

Wow it’s amazing how you failed to actually answer my question and danced around it with a shitload of equivocating bullshit instead. How sstereotypically “progressive” of you!

He’s parodying “progressive” bullshit dogma about “racism”. WOOOOSH

Suuuuuure. All those north African Arab looking men were really Christians. Or Jains or Hindus. Whatever stupid fantasy makes you feel better about your naive “progressive” dipshittery.

Why would I want to be in such a country?

What ethnicity was the “German”? As a “progressive” told me earlier in these comments, “Germans” can be of any ethnicity. So far the odds aren’t looking good for your position.

What ethnicity committed the majority of the Oktoberfest attacks? Funny how you leave out that relevant detail.

Why don’t you help people of your own culture and race? Why should Nordic countries have to accept anyone who needs such coddling?

I’d cite the original swedish language report but you would just dismiss that too because you can’t read it and/or it contradicts the naive dogma of your faith-based “progressive” cult bullshit.

What was the ethnicity of her attackers? Do you even know?

Oh you “take care of” them like a good paternalistic nanny. Ok

You are so racist! Blacks have more testosterone than any other group! How dare you! Problematic!!!!


If you do your research you will find that the vast majority of U.S. soldiers committing rapes are blacks. Whoops there goes your “progressive” narrative!

What ethnicity were the majority of men who have committed such offenses against you? Be honest now!

No I’m not. You’re a typical willfully naive white-guilt-ridden “progressive”.