Divershitty Uber Alles


Enjoy the shitty future that you’re helping create, naive white-guilt-ridden “progressive”

Probably because you’re just another willfully-blind, willfully-naive, fact-ignoring Gawker/Jezebel “progressive”.

Oh, so ONLY 40 immigrants engaged in organized sexual assaults. WHEW what a relief.

It also happened on NYE in Sweden and Switzerland. All reported mobs of Arabs/North Africans as attackers.

Wrong. Cite examples now or STFU.

All good white-guilt-ridden Gawker/Jezebel “progressives” have faith in their bleeding hearts that Arabs and Muslims never do anything wrong and can’t possibly organize anything.

It’s called skilled trolling and satire and sarcasm.


“very reliable, progressive-leaning news sources”

So it’s a race issue and not a religious or cultural issue. Cool!


You think lots of Muslim men don’t get drunk? Holy shit you’re a typical naive “progressive”.

Celebrate, “progressives”!!!

Why should Nordic countries have to accept anyone who needs such an “education” (also at state expense) AT ALL???

Well maybe in the blacker parts of Louisiana...

I’m a “right-winger”, and my attitude towards rapists is that they should be executed.

Stick your head in the sand. Facts are so racist!

It seems like you put a “not” in there by mistake?

This is the dumbest and most illogical “liberal progressive” talking point ever, aside from the one that claims that it is impossible for “people of color” to qualify as being “racist”.