Divergent Evolution

Teamspeak doesnt do shit either, so wtf are you on about?

Its no good that people are out of work, but tbh these are not jobs, they are exploitative aspects of a corrupt economic system. If you make min wage and are working full time then you are not working for a job or for yourself, you are working as a debt slave. Modern indentured servitude forced upon you by immoral

I have a single USB stick with every nintendo game available for rom download on it. It plays them all perfectly and cost me 29$. People buying this exploitative bullshit from nintendo are just bad consumers feeding the beast.

Displays of wealth will makes you a target in the coming era. The ideology that we have a right to consume more than our fellow citizens just because we got there first is done. Adapt of get brunt in the streets.

If color doesnt matter then why does it matter if they are white? Ever stop to think you redundant coffee shop revolutionaries are the racist ones?

The USA is like a deer that has just been shot still trying to get up and walk around like it is normal, too stupid to understand that it is already dead. Die quietly you filthy founders of modern terrorism.

Free Passage does not mean freely research the area. China has owned that sea for thousands of years, before any of the other claimants nations even existed. Not even mentioning the fact that a US endorsed Treaty signed after ww2 labels the sea as China’s sovereign territory. Deal with it, because you are too weak to

Trump is obviously a clown, but democracy says you can stfu and deal with it. You morons made your bed of idiocy via democracy, now you shall lay in it. Any gov dept speaking out against the president publicly should be summarily fired and barred from ever entering government employ again.

Prime example of too stupid to be rich or a thief. I really hope this moron hasnt reproduced.

You know the have cloud storage with streaming for this now right? Why not save money by NOT buying a massive SD card and getting a years worth of storage? That would save ALL the room on your SD card, no?

I guess if internet connectivity is an issue this might help.

Oh silly ameritard terrorists, you just dont understand the ways of Russia. Their AC has a stripped down crew to increase hauling capacity. It is literally delivering the end of NATO terrorism in the region via much needed hardware. You know like the S-400 that means they control the skies, and we all know what NATO

And these morons wonder why people pirate their games......

And 90% of that 40% were crap games that should never have been listed in the first place. Definitely a sewage explosion more than a game explosion.

Its retail sales, what does that even indicate past console sales? What is it at now, 5% of PC games are purchased as retail copies? I am sure they would love more retail sles, but disposible income is way down, xmas is coming, and no one fucking buys retail anymore!

Why do push an immoral cash grab so much? You a bought and paid for games journo as well?

My Skyrim looked like this and had 10x the content 3 years ago via mods. This “remastered: bullshit is exactly that, bullshit for bad consumers to shove in their fat faces.

This is going to be a disaster.

I love it, damned if you do, damned if you dont. Finally the disease of the USA has killed itself with its own stupidity and corruption. Either you elect a full retard or you elect a fascist, corporate sponsored war monger. Either way your nation is dead and thank fuck for that.

Meh, people forget that the US army is designed to give as little as possible for as much cost as possible. It is an IKEA army, looks great but as soon as you try and stand on it, it will all come crashing down.

Windows 10 is less an operating and more an app store that farms you for data and send it to ad agencies. Seriously, this is why free markets dont work. People are just too stupid to NOT buy shitty products.

As a chef I can honestly say, go fuck yourself. If I make amazing food to eat, you clean up. Deal with it or learn to make your own amazing food.